Right Value...

Erstellt am 8. Jul. 2008 - 07:38

The right value o bulk density for this barite is 2.15 t/m3.

Re: Air Velocity

Erstellt am 8. Jul. 2008 - 08:06

is it pick up or exit velocity ?

in any case it is on the high side. the conveying pressures you want to convey at will need a step pipe line to keep the velocity in optimal range.



Erstellt am 8. Jul. 2008 - 08:13

I use this equation to calculate this velocity:

V=37*SQRT(bulk density)

I think that this is the velocity for air at system inlet. Is that right?

Conveying Velocity

Erstellt am 11. Jul. 2008 - 05:48


I suggest you calculate the conveying velocity for your material properties and conveying system using well known co-relations such as those of Rizk and Matsumoto.

I will be glad to send a copy of these if you need.


Amrit Agarwal

Amrit Agarwal

Consulting Engineer

Pneumatic Conveying Consulting

Email: polypcc@aol.com

Ph and Fax: 304 346 5125

Re: Air Velocity

Erstellt am 12. Jul. 2008 - 05:15

What type of pneumatic conveying system are you planning on using? It sounds like you're looking at dilute phase but most Barites will convey very nicely in systems with higher material to air ratios.

For a medium phase system ( two-phase flow, slug flow, wave flow, etc.) a pick up velocity of 10-11 m/sec will work fine assuming you have a Barite within the normal particle size distribution range.

If you're looking at dilute phase, the relationships mentioned by mr. Agarwal will give you saltation velocity and your pick-up velocity should be 10-15% higher.
