Data Processing

Posted in: , on 20. Jun. 2008 - 19:52


I am using the Jenike Tester and would like to know how to process the results efficiently.

I need to find flow function of certain materials and this would entail constructing Mohr circles. I was wondering if any software is available for this or can it programmed, if so how.



Re: Data Processing

Erstellt am 21. Jun. 2008 - 01:21

I have seen a few spreadsheets in excel / MathCAD by various researchers and companies but unfortunately no one wants to share them publicly. If you understand maths of Mohr circles it only takes 2 sheets on excel to plot them.

As far as software is concerned you can try this link but I am not very sure if demo version will do calculations I think it will not work without proprietary shear tester.


Re: Data Processing

Erstellt am 21. Jun. 2008 - 01:37

Thanks for the reply.

I have checked the software, it is only a demo version.

Originally posted by Mantoo

I If you understand maths of Mohr circles it only takes 2 sheets on excel to plot them.

I don't understand what you meant by this. If you have a method let me know. As far as I understand its a hit and trial technique..


Re: Data Processing

Erstellt am 21. Jun. 2008 - 02:00

It is definatly not hit and trial. As far as method is concerned it is explained in famous jenike Bulletin 123 get yourself a copy will come in very handy.


Re: Data Processing

Erstellt am 21. Jun. 2008 - 04:25

To obtain major principal stress a circle has to be drawn such that it is tangent to the yield locus and also passes through the preshear point. Now obtaining yield locus is not the question.

How do you draw that circle you don't have the center or radius but it should pass through a given point and also touch the yield locus.

That is why I felt it is trial and error, if it is otherwise , please let me know.


Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Data Processing

Erstellt am 21. Jun. 2008 - 09:18

In AUS we have a standard AS 3880 (for coal - though similar proceedure for most other materials) which describes the process.

Understand the proceedure (ref AS 3880, et al) and have a chop at processing the results - not "too" much to it (I did it at uni as a prac with excel).



Re: Data Processing

Erstellt am 21. Jun. 2008 - 10:59

Thanks for the reply..

I am afraid my university does not have a copy AS 3880. Is there any other way i can get a copy other than purchasing it.