On-line Air Flow Measurement for Hot Apps

Posted in: , on 27. May. 2008 - 03:54

On-line air flow measurement for hot dusty applications

Hello all,

I have recently started working in the Technology department of a Cement company, and I am currently involved in a project that requires a lot of researching on my part.

My goal is to measure the mass flow (mainly dust concentration) in three different high temperature environments within the kiln and preheater system.

1. Tertiary air ducts (temperatures above 900 degrees C)

2. Clinker cooler exhaustor (temperatures above 280 degrees C)

3. Residual air going to milling. (Temperatures above 90 degrees C)

I am interested in knowing what technologies, vendors or solutions currently exist for achieving this.

From what I've researched so far, it seems the best approaches are using a device based on the triboelectric principle, devices using a radioactive principle, or some sort of isokinetic measuring system.

I have no previous cement knowledge and all of these terms seem pretty new to me, so I would greatly appreciate any info, knowledge resources or help you guys could provide.

Thanks in advance!


On-Line Airflow Measurement

Erstellt am 27. May. 2008 - 09:42


Triboelectric devices measure dust load continuously but need to be calibrated using isokinetic sampling. Airflow in hot, dusty airstreams needs a "Special" pitot tube.

Someone in the cement industry must be able to give you a copy of Bulletin WP-50 published (years ago) by the Western Precipitation Division of Joy Manufacturing Company (Price- One Dollar). This will tell you all you need to know.

Michael Reid.

Re: On-Line Air Flow Measurement For Hot Apps

Erstellt am 27. May. 2008 - 04:42

Thanks Michael,

Anyone else might have info?


On-Line Air Flow Measurement For Hot Dusty Applications

Erstellt am 27. May. 2008 - 10:52


I am working in the R&D department of a Cement company, and I was looking at different technologies for measuring mass flow in a high temperature dusty environment and found this: Triboelectric Cross Correlation Air Flow Technology by PROMECON.

I am trying to implement online measuring of particles in the tertiary air, clinker cooler exhaustor, and the residual air going back to the raw material mill.

Could you guys provide similar options and technologies from different vendors?

Thanks so much in advance,


Brian Conway
(not verified)

Air Flow

Erstellt am 18. Dec. 2009 - 10:29

We do this type of measurement and many others routinely. I can send you application notes via email if you like. My emai address is brian.conway@sick.com