Drying Ovens

Erstellt am 2. May. 2008 - 06:22

Hi microfineindustries,

No one on this Forum seems to know anything about Drying Ovens.

1 - Do a search for companies which manufacture Drying Ovens. Ask them whom they could recommend to solve your problem

2 - If you are not in a hurry try http://www.eng-tips.com

Regards - John.Rz

http://www.cospire.com Engineering Tips

Drying Process

Erstellt am 19. May. 2008 - 08:32

Hello Sir,

Irrespective of which drying technology you use, you will surely benefit from online moisture analysis. Our Australian Principal CALLIDAN is the world leader in Online Moisture Analysis and manufactures and markets online moisture analysers that use microwave technology. Please feel free to visit our principal's site at www.callidan.com for more information. Regards

Jitendra RoyChoudhury

Business Development Manager

Salva Resources

Mob: +9198300 44856

Mail: j.roychoudhury@salvaresources.com

Web: www.callidan.com

(not verified)


Erstellt am 15. Jul. 2008 - 01:18

We can design any type/size of drier. You should know the temperature at which the liquid you haver mixed/processed will evaporate and the soaking time required.

Alternately tell me the volume you want to dry?? What will be the net weight of this mixture? (total volume with liquid) and I may be able to help you.
