Presure water flowrate formula

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 4. Apr. 2008 - 13:22

Dear all

What is the formula to calculate actual water flowrate in the chiller system.

Best regards

Re: Presure Water Flowrate Formula

Erstellt am 4. Apr. 2008 - 12:13

Originally posted by nabiha

Dear all

What is the formula to calculate actual water flowrate in the chiller system.

Best regards

I have no idea what you are asking about. Suggest you elaborate the detail if you want assistance.

Is this relavent to Bulk Materials Handling?

Pumping Problem

Erstellt am 7. Apr. 2008 - 01:23

Hi nabiha,

You appear to have a flow measurement problem. How do you propose to measure the flow? With an orifice plate, a flow gauge, or other means?

The main topic at this Forum is dry solids materials handling, not slurries or fluids.

Solving a problem is like detective work. You must get the clues so people can understand what you are trying to do.

A more appropriate Forum might be .

Alternatively think of this as a pumping problem, look at some Piping Design textbooks, or telephone your friendly pump equipment supplier. They will often do a pump and piping resistance calculation for you.

That will work for standard piping. What happens inside a chiller is another story. You should contact the Manufacturer for that information.

Regards - John.rz


Erstellt am 7. Apr. 2008 - 07:23

Hi, This post of yours is very beneficial and informative, however there are some specific facts or information that I require. If anyone can help me in this matter then please send me a private message. Best Regards,
