HAVER Screening Machines

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Posted in: , on 28. Feb. 2008 - 20:15

Positive results for 2007

The HAVER Group delivers over 1800 screening machines worldwide

As a global supplier to the raw material processing industry, the HAVER SCREENING GROUP is clearly demonstrating its expertise in the area of screening technology. The year 2007 was indeed a successful one for the specialists of mineral processing technology, who are noted for their high level of innovative spirit.

More than 400 NIAGARA and TYCAN vibrating screens were delivered. These were produced at locations in Germany, Canada and Brazil.

They included 4-bearing screens, 2-bearing screens with circular motion, linear vibrating screens, fine screening machines and reject screens, and are all used worldwide in a wide range of industrial sectors.

A large number are customised machines designed and built to fulfil specific customer requirements and applications, which simply demonstrates how a customised machine gets the job done most effectively. Looking at the quantities, the 2-bearing screen with circular motion has the lead. Every third machine that left the production halls of the HAVER SCREENING GROUP last year was a circular vibrating 2-bearing screen. Every sixth machine was a linear vibrating screen. And similar to the positive sales results of the vibrating screens, the area of washing technology also produced satisfying results.

The Group’s unique selling point is that all customer needs surrounding the screening process can be fulfilled by a single supplier. To symbolise this, Haver & Boecker employs the so-called screening circle, which comprises the four areas of particle size analysis, screening media, machine technology and service.

In the area of particle size analysis Haver & Boecker Wire Weaving Division also posted extremely positive sales results for 2007. Together with daughter company W.S. Tyler, which belongs to the HAVER Group, Haver & Boecker is the leading supplier of products for particle size and shape analyses. A total of 1475 test sieve shakers were manufactured in Germany, Canada and USA with the highest standards of quality in a wide range of models, and were delivered by the company during the last 12 months.

Altogether the HAVER Group delivered over 1800 screening machines worldwide in 2007. Considering these results and looking at its current level of orders, the company is certainly starting off the new year with a high degree of enthusiasm.

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The screening circle symbolises the HAVER Group’s comprehensive

expertise in all aspects of screening


haver_siebkreis (JPG)

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