Coaltrans India

(not verified)

7th Annual Coaltrans India

4 - 5 March 2008

Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi, India

Dear colleague,

The 7th Coaltrans India returns to New Delhi as the focal point of the international coal community. I hope that you will be able to join us at this exceptional time in India‚s coal history.

Addressing the age old challenges and brand new opportunities facing coal buyers, producers and handlers, Coaltrans India will provide and ask:

How will India will feed its increased power capacity? The most up-to-date view on UMPPs and thermal coal demand and supply

Steel sector growth and how will it impact on met coal. Examination of the expanding steel industry and opportunities for metallurgical coal producers

A focus on the logistics and infrastructure challenges - rail, ports and freight.

Analysis of finance, investment and coal trading activities

An exploration of cost economics and mining operations for coal block owners

Investigation of the role of clean coal and coal upgrading in the Indian market

This year, target your specific area of interests at Coaltrans India 2008 with dedicated streams on both conference days to maximise your time.

Stream 1: Power Sector and Thermal Coal developments


Stream 2: Met coal Markets plus Finance Investments and Coal Trading

Stream 3: Infrastructure, Freight and Logistics plus Clean Coal


Stream 4: Mining Operations and Economics for Coal Block Owners

Unparalleled networking opportunities and a packed conference programme will make for an exceptional 7th Coaltrans India.

To register :



Call +44 20 7779 8623

For more information on INR prices, delegates resident in India may contact:

Tel: 00 91 11 2691 9377

Fax: 00 91 11 2684 8343

I look forward to welcoming you to the conference,

Best regards,

Allison Lindsay

Director of Conferences

Coaltrans Conferences


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