NIR Moisture Sensor

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Posted in: , on 25. Jan. 2008 - 11:26


NIR Moisture Sensor for the Powder & Bulk Industries

Moorpark, CA - MoistTech, designer and manufacturer of on-line and laboratory NIR Moisture Transmitters has developed a new, state of the art, NIR moisture sensor--the IR 3000 for the powder & bulk industry.

MoistTech’s IR 3000 is the newest sensor on the market, measuring moisture in powders and granules in spray, vacuum and rotary dryers. It’s unique designed allows it to be installed in the most extreme locations where no technology would have survived. As a result of its advanced digital processing, for the first time, the IR 3000 provides true data regardless of gaps and interruptions of product flow on the belt or screw conveyors. It is truly one of a kind.

MoistTech’s introduction of the Series 3000 smart sensor has resulted in hundreds of installations worldwide due to it’s significant cost savings in both energy and product loss for users. Additionally, controlling dryers to precise levels has decreased energy usage several percent while reducing the risk of fire. As a result, the sensor installations are paying for themselves in just a few short weeks.

The IR 3000 is installed directly over the material being conveyed or can look through a viewing window which continuously provides live and accurate moisture measurements to within ±0.1% accuracy. In demanding applications where flow is intermittent, a sampling system can be installed. The sensor also has several read-out options including a Digital Panel Meter as well as a Color Touch Screen Operator Interface. The IR 3000 sensor does come with a high-tech Windows software program that enables users to hook up with their laptops or PLC computers and will work with most systems. Regardless of output used, the IR 3000 provides users with 100% real time data to ensure improved product performance. Additionally, the IR 3000 sensor allows the user to install and calibrate their system within a few short minutes.

For more information, please visit:


moisttech (JPG)

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