News from EFIBCA

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Posted in: , on 10. Jan. 2008 - 19:18

EFIBCA appoints IK as secretariat

Bad Homburg, 10 January 2008 - Following the retirement of Director General Hendry Speirs from January 2008 the secretariat of the European Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers Association (EFIBCA) will be held by the German Association of Plastics Packaging Manufacturers (IK).

At a meeting in Bad Homburg, Germany, the parties agreed EFIBCA will remain an independent association with its secretariat provided by IK. IK has a long record of holding secretariats for international trade associations and comprehensive experience in the fields of dangerous goods packaging, food contact and environmental regulation. Among its 350 member companies are eleven manufacturers and distributors organised in an FIBC division.

Dr Amir Samadijavan, newly elected EFIBCA president: “I believe that we will become more powerful and influential by means of the new structure. We can benefit from IK’s expertise and make use of synergies. Our aim is to gain new members and maintain our quality standards throughout the industry.”

Founded in 1983, EFIBCA is the European trade association of manufacturers and distributors of FIBCs and their suppliers - leading the field on quality, safety, product development and service. EFIBCA is the only international FIBC Association in the world and accepts its members from all countries provided applicants are able to fulfil the high standards of membership.


Christoph Bornhorn LL.M.

- EFIBCA Secretariat -

Kaiser-Friedrich-Promenade 43

61348 Bad Homburg, Germany

phone:+49 (0) 6172 926675

fax:+49 (0) 6172 926674


Dr. Amir Samadijavan, new EFIBCA president


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