Bulk08 at Blackpool Hilton

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 10. Jan. 2008 - 11:27


If you would like to offer a paper please send a 30 word synopsis to Dr Harold Wright at hw@mhea.co.uk

Venue - Blackpool Hilton over the period 17/18 April 2008.

For Earlybird Registration please email hw@mhea.co.uk quoting "YES to Bulk08 at Blackpool".

Dr Harold Wright

Secretary - MHEA

Materials Handling Engineers Association



tel/fx:- 01642 570045

mobile: 07860 857568

MHEA Bulk08 Technical Awareness Seminar

The sessions:

Session 1 - Construction - A Materials Handling Opportunity?

Chairman - Dave Mitchell, Head of Engineering, Tarmac Ltd

Session 2 - Quarry Management - The Quest for Zero Waste

Chairman - Trevor Warren, Operations Manager, Lafarge Aggregates Mountsorrel Quarry

Session 3 - The Drive to Reduce, Re-Use and Recycle

Chairman - Dr Andrew Goddard, Technical Manager, Viridor Waste Management Ltd

Session 4 - Pollution Prevention & Control

Chairman - Nigel Staves, Station Manager, Tilbury Power Station, RWEnpower plc

Plenary Lecture - Mobilizing Technology to Sustain & Increase Cement Production

Speaker - Stewart Gater, National Engineering Project Manager - Lafarge Cement

Session 5 - Alternative Fuels

Chairman - Philip Wallace, Fuel Trading, Energy Wholesale, E.ON UK

Session 6 - COAL - A Power in the Future

Chairman - Nigel Yaxley, Managing Director, CoalImp (Association of UK Coal Importers)


bulk08-blackpool (JPG)

(not verified)

Bulk08 'Technical Awareness Seminar

Erstellt am 7. Mar. 2008 - 10:18

For complete Seminar Programme and Registration Form, please visit:
