Electronic Weigher System

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Posted in: , on 9. Jan. 2008 - 15:56

Expertise in building weighing systems

HAVER manufactures 5000th HAVER MEC III electronic weigher system – ceremonial handover to Dyckerhoff Cement GmbH, Neuwied Germany

During a ceremonious event in Oelde on December 18, 2007, the 5000th Haver & Boecker MEC III electronic weigher system was delivered to Dyckerhoff Cement GmbH. This jubilee electronic weigher system is part of a 2-spout INTEGRA® packing machine. The machine will go into operation in Neuwied, Germany and will be used for filling special binders for worldwide application in drilling technology.

The MEC III electronic weigher has been a real success story. 5000 units have been sold since its approval in January 2003 and its subsequent phased market introduction - 2,125 units in 2007 alone.

What exactly makes the MEC III so special? The MEC III is a milestone in the development of electronic weighing: the MEC III electronic weigher system is not only about weighing, but also about control. It has 2 primary functions: first for recording of weight and the weight-dependent control of the material flow through the filling spout, and secondly it takes over the control functions that are remote from the weighing system, such as the closing of filled bags and discharge from the packing machine. The MEC III is the first automatic weigher with a European-wide design approval, awarded to Haver & Boecker in 2007. In addition to operation in almost every language via graphic display terminal, the filling spouts may also be remote-controlled because of their network (Ethernet) capability. Its user-friendly concept allows the MEC III to be accessible for remote diagnostics and software downloads via the internet. A quality-conforming collection of operational data via the MEC III network is also possible. This is not possible with conventional manual control and recording systems. The MEC III measurement system provides a maximum resolution of 6000 increments, which makes it highly competitive and successful in the segment of automatic weighing systems.

The decision to build weighing systems for packing machines in-house at Haver & Boecker was already made way back in 1925 when the first valve-bag packing machine was produced. Back then, just like today, the design specifications and requirements for the weighing system, which were constrained by the design of the packing machine, were very specific, thus making self-made units the most feasible. The weighing technology was developed parallel with the filling technology. Initially weighing systems were mechanical, using a 1:1 beam scale: Then came the 1:10 scale, followed by the moving weight scale balance with variable weight ratios for the different specified weights.

In 1974, in partnership with BASF in Ludwigshafen, Haver & Boecker developed the first electronic weighing system. It was an analogue, electro-mechanical system with a resolution of up to 2500 increments. Just four years later, the managers at Haver & Boecker opted to develop their own weighing electronics. The first developed electronic weighing system had no official design approval. It operated in combination with a downstream check weigher that could be calibrated; a process that worked extremely well and that today still finds wide use with the MEC III. Next the first electronic weigher using micro-processor technology was developed. This development occurred in multiple phases before reaching the current MEC III version, now on the market for 5 years.

With the European wide MID approval and many other national approvals from countries outside of Europe, Haver & Boecker with the MEC III has become an ambitious specialist in electronic weighing systems technology.

PC supported operating and service tools which greatly simplify handling during operation and start-ups have been developed for the MEC III. “With a lot of hard work and sweat we’ve overcome the biggest obstacles“, explain Peter Gerdhenrich, Director of the Electrical Engineering + Automation Department, and Gerhard Feldhans, Director of Weighing Systems Development. We are proud that Haver & Boecker is among the few packing machine manufacturers that have their own development departments for electronic weighing systems. There are more than 20,000 H&B electronic weighing systems in operation worldwide.

The weighing electronics are subjected to strict quality tests on a regular basis within the scope of the MID approval. The reliability of Haver products is assured by the MEC III, which has been produced since 2003. That’s the reason why the MEC III will remain in Haver & Boecker’s product range for the coming years. Haver is proud that quality and high levels of weight precision are the hallmarks of its company.

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The Haver & Boecker MEC III weighing electronic system with EC Type Examination Certificate


haver_meciiifinger (JPG)

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