Recycling ferrosilicon

Posted in: , on 26. Dec. 2007 - 07:16

The application is from car scrap and they are trying to remove ferrous silicon from water, 120m3/hr with 1% recoverable content, lump size 60 micron, this works out to approximately 10-15tph.

I wonder to know if the ferrosilicon is magnetic ?

And if use magnetic method, how much intensity is suitable?

Re: Recycling Ferrosilicon

Erstellt am 27. Dec. 2007 - 02:36

This is a closed loop question.

If you know how much is recoverable then you must know the equipment potential.

Any magnetic separator supplier will tell you the magnetic & hydraulic loading values for ferro-silicon. Eriez etc. You will have to give them your pulp concentration as well.

If you really have such a low singular concentration in an aqueous pulp it might be more prudent to go for filtration. MagSeps usually work on pulps with much higher solids concentrations containing progressively less impurities as the stages of separation develop.

John Gateley

(not verified)

Re: Recycling Ferrosilicon

Erstellt am 15. Mar. 2022 - 09:23

Ferrosilicon has good electrical conductivity as well as magnetic properties, and its magnetic properties can be processed and made into ferrosilicon powder, which is widely used in mineral processing and other fields.