Magnetite and tramp metal detection

Posted in: , on 25. Dec. 2007 - 03:15

Hi Guys, I have a small problem. We use the oretronic iii tramp metal detectors however when we get high magnetite level coal loads we cannot detect tramp metal without very large numbers of phantom readings. Currently we use the bypass function for high magnetite train loads but this means

a) we aren't detecting tramp metal

b) someone has to remember to drive out to turn the detector back on.

The preferred solution seem to be a plc remote bypass but I don't find this solution very appealing as it meabs we lose TMD capability.

Any ideas? I'm fairly certain we won't be able to fit a new TMD system into the budget.

Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Magnetite And Tramp Metal Detection

Erstellt am 25. Dec. 2007 - 09:46

These company (et al, I suspect) offer a magnet explicitly for ore with mangnetite, suggest you contact them to see what they can do:

Maybe you can work with what you have / may reccomend a new unit etc.

Another alternative is to constantly run your tramp extraction facilities (assumed you have some - which you may not, and assume they are idler until prompted by the detector - may not be the case etc).



Re: Magnetite And Tramp Metal Detection

Erstellt am 27. Dec. 2007 - 09:08

Thanks Lyle. Our extraction magnets seem to work OK, although they are positioned poorly.

Our conveyors shut down upon a TMD alarm and an operator has to physically go to the belt and pick off the tramp metal.

Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Magnetite And Tramp Metal Detection

Erstellt am 28. Dec. 2007 - 12:33

Sorry, I read this as you have a final TMD after the tramp metal magnets as a check (that is the magnet operation is independent of the tramp metal detector)?

If this is the case, I could only suggest you investigate are more suitable TMD as indicated earlier, or improve the effectiveness of the extraction system - probably costly though, though I suspect if you have to stop the belt to manually remove any tramp identified by the TMD this would be at a cost also.



Re: Magnetite And Tramp Metal Detection

Erstellt am 28. Dec. 2007 - 11:03

Yes that's right. Our magnet is on all the time and precedes the TMD.
