ADAMS Packing Machine

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Posted in: , on 14. Dec. 2007 - 13:37

Reliability – Up to now the first ADAMS packing machine at Lafarge Cement UK, Plant Barnstone, in Great Britain has produced over 10 million bags.

This magical milestone has just been surpassed by the first ADAMS filling machine, delivered by Haver & Boecker. The rotating 8-spout packing machine for powder-type building materials, based on the FFS technology, was successfully installed at the Lafarge Barnstone Plant in Great Britain in early 2005 and has just put out its ten millionth bag.

At this plant a special bag is used, which was designed in a cooperation between Lafarge, Haver & Boecker and bag manufacturer RKW (Rheinsche Kunststoffwerke in Worms, Germany). The technical requirements placed on the development of the HAVER ADAMS PROCESS technology and on the bag itself were indeed quite demanding and extensive.

First of all the bag had to be compact. It also had to be weather-proof to offer protection from moisture to extend storage times, and make it suitable for storage outdoors exposed to the weather. Finally it had to have an attractive glossy appearance. The new engineered PE bag fulfilled all these requirements. The packing machine, which has a packing speed of about 1100 bags per hour, operates without a hitch and the people in England are proud of having produced and sold 10 million bags.

For more information, please visit:


10 million bags produced – The first THE ADAMS ® at Lafarge Cement UK, Plant Barnstone, is working reliable


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