Force Components Question

Posted in: , on 12. Dec. 2007 - 00:46


I don't know if this is a correct forum for this question but any help would be appreciated. This is not an assignment question.

Consider the example in the figure. I am trying to find the components of F (Fx and Fy) at an unknown point X. Is it ok to say Fx=Fcos(a) where a is the angle at point X? Or should I take into consideration the forces at the part that touches the pulley?


figure1 (JPG)

Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Force Components Question

Erstellt am 12. Dec. 2007 - 02:24

FBD in order, take a cut prior to the pulley - what does that tell you?

Is the force at x = F?



Re: Force Components Question

Erstellt am 12. Dec. 2007 - 04:20

Oh, ok. Then to find the force components, Fx=F.cos(a), and Fy=F.sin(a), we need to know the angle (a) which depends on the tangent point on the pulley. We can also calculate that.

Thank you.