Coal Circular Stacker/Reclaimer

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 1. Dec. 2007 - 15:36

I have an application for a Coal Circular Stacker/Reclaimer. The specifications call for 1200TPH stacking or reclaiming. Both the stacker and the reclaimer must be luffing and 360 degree slewing. There can be NO reclaim pit. All reclaim must be at or above grade. The stacker must be able to stack 20,000 Tons of coal or a 200' diameter pile, whichever is larger. This equipment will NOT be in a dome. There can be NO outer diameter retaining wall. The pile must be accessable by dozers. This equipment will be installed in the Midwest USA. Delivery required around 5/15/2009.

King Coal

Erstellt am 1. Dec. 2007 - 03:05

Is this for a sugar beet refinery cogen system? The reason I ask is simply because its not a lot of coal volume/tonnage

The cheap quick and the dead solution is to use a 20 foot diameter concrete stacking tube to altitude with an 36 inch belt fed from where ever and use a WR Stamler reclaim feeder on the ground with a track drive system to move it from place to place with one permanent conveyor delivering the coal from the stock pile via the stamler reclaimer.

The belt feeder is easily fed by dozer or front end loader or dragline for that matter as is done at a power plant in Sicily

No need to do things the hard way!

It eliminates the need for any kind of reclaimer or stacker unit period. just be sure to have access to the botttom of the tube to clean it out occasionally.

You will have the option of leaving the the WR Stamler reclaim unit in one place all the time or moving it if needed and the unit will last for ever in soft coal service as long as it is maintained properly.