Flat Side and Bottom Storage Bins?

Paul316 - Invista, USA
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 21. Sep. 2007 - 19:36

I am investigating alternative storage bin options for a powder used in our manufacturing process. At some point in my career, I heard of flat sided, rectangular shaped hoppers with bottom feeding being used to store and feed a particularly troublesome material (the material had a high propensity to bridge). Is anyone familiar with this style hopper, and if so, any comments?


Erstellt am 21. Sep. 2007 - 07:10

They are still made by several maufacturers especially for animal feeds etc.

Almost any material will bridge anyway.

You have not mentioned the ingredient, the desired material of the bins construction, the volume needed, volatility, flow ability or the amount of storage desired, let alone the desired extraction method and that in itself is another possible mess.

Look on the home page here for manufacturers of same and of course google etc.

If you have a lot of ingredient material needs a dome from geometrica is a good choice as they will do all the work etc., provide complete installation of delivery and stacking means etc. and a geometrica dome can segregate material with walls etc. eliminating any vertical bins.

Paul316 - Invista, USA
(not verified)


Erstellt am 21. Sep. 2007 - 07:22

The material is powered adipic acid. There is an existing round cone bottom bin with air sparging and a live bottom (the bottom of the cone is connected to vibrators and connected to the top of the cone with an elastomer section). This doesn't work well. The material feeds through a rotary valve at the bottom of the cone into a screw conveyor, which feeds another tank.

I have checked around on the internet, but was unable to identify any companies with this particular style of design (rectangular flat bottom) of bins.

Re: Flat Side And Bottom Storage Bins?

Erstellt am 21. Sep. 2007 - 10:18

Adipic acid is prone to caking, which is the cause of poor flowability in hopper. Make sure the aeration air you are using is dry; preferably instrument quality. Minimise the temperature and humidity cycling by lagging the silo and dehumidifying the air to a set level.

(not verified)

Multiple Screw Bin Dischargers

Erstellt am 22. Sep. 2007 - 01:49


My company manufacture multiple screw bin dischargers which have been used very effectively with straight sided bins an hoppers on a wide range of chemicals and foods.

In addition I have used air slide type live bottom bins in the grain industry, chain type live bottom bins in the waste treatment industries and scraper type circular dischargers in the chemical industries.

I can provide details if you would like to know more.

Best Regards

Chris Boone

John R Boone Limited

Tel: 0044 (0)1260 272894

Fax: 0044 (0)1260 281128

Email: sales@jrboone.com


Re: Flat Side And Bottom Storage Bins?

Erstellt am 24. Sep. 2007 - 03:43


A vibrating floor will unload your product from a rectangular bin. Slopes would not exceed 15°, and you would gain storage volume. You may want to visit www.silexport.com and forward a sketch of the bin, we shall reciprocate with design and budget.

Jean-Claude Poncet

Silexport International


Re: Flat Side And Bottom Storage Bins?

Erstellt am 24. Sep. 2007 - 04:22

Originally posted by Paul316

I am investigating alternative storage bin options for a powder used in our manufacturing process. At some point in my career, I heard of flat sided, rectangular shaped hoppers with bottom feeding being used to store and feed a particularly troublesome material (the material had a high propensity to bridge). Is anyone familiar with this style hopper, and if so, any comments?

If you are having this much trouble contact a walking floor manufacturing firm google walking floors to find two of the biggest builders here in the USA. walking floors have used in trailers and straight trucks for many years and permanent installations are easy to do.

(not verified)

Flow Issues

Erstellt am 24. Sep. 2007 - 05:29

If I am reading this thread correctly, then your struggles are pertaining to material flow issues. I am the Sales Manager for a company called MATCON USA (

discharger valves

href="http://www.matconibc.com" target="blank">www.matconibc.com). We are based out of Southern New Jersey. One of the products that we make is a silo discharger that differs from a live bottom bin activator. In addition to using vibration, which can have both positive and negative effects on product flow, we utilize an inverted cone as both a valve and a discharger.

When the downstream process requires product, the cone valve lifts and lowers on timed intervals (pulses) with thousands of pounds of lifting force to strike the mass of material. The lifting of the cone not only creates a large annular gap for material discharge, but also breaks up bridged product and prevents the mass of material from rat holing.

I have attached a brochure of this product for your review. Feel free to contact me at 856-256-1330 x112 should you with to discuss this further.


discharger valves (PDF)

Re: Flat Side And Bottom Storage Bins?

Erstellt am 24. Sep. 2007 - 06:50

Dear Paul,

We specialise in difficult to handle bulk material.

Our rotating discharge arm conveys the material toward an opening in the center of the silo floor. This provides a uniform discharge of the material from the silo.

I refer you to our website for additional information on our BinEX and on other bulk material handling equipment we provide

Our telephone number is 705-749-3544 and our website is www.wtwamericas.com.

Kind regards

Paul316 - Invista, USA
(not verified)


Erstellt am 25. Sep. 2007 - 03:56

I appreciate all the responses to my post. I will investigate each in turn, and will follow-up where I think appropriate. Any other ideas or leads are still much appreciated.



RPD - Invista (UK) Ltd., U.K.
(not verified)

Re: Flat Side And Bottom Storage Bins?

Erstellt am 28. Sep. 2007 - 01:04

As it sounds like you have found to your cost, air injection isn't ideal for adipic acid.

On the last AA storage facility I did, we used the discharger shown in the attached link and it worked well.


Paul316 - Invista, USA
(not verified)

Re: Flat Side And Bottom Storage Bins?

Erstellt am 28. Sep. 2007 - 04:41

Great link, and you're correct, air injection and vibrators do not work for AA. Thanks! I will investigate this for sure.

Re: Flat Side And Bottom Storage Bins?

Erstellt am 28. Sep. 2007 - 05:43


We reiterate continuous success with vibrating floors on cohesive products, such as SBM, serox, saw dust, frozen wood chips... Please take a look at the video of reclaiming of a 11m high solid SBM cliff at silexport.com

Unlike rigid body motion systems, or vibrations applied to cones, a vibrating floor dislocates the product and allows it to expand sidesway and into outlets. Again the video is self-explanatory and worth taking a look at.

Jean-Claude Poncet

Silexport International
