RPD - Invista (UK) Ltd., U.K.
(not verified)

Re: Super Sac Search

Erstellt am 21. Sep. 2007 - 12:59

The normal way to solve this problem is to use a discharge station which has a pair of parallel pneumatically operated bars at the level of the discharge spout. When you want to remove the partially discharged bags, the bars are forced together cutting off the flow from the bag, when the material level below the bars drops, it is then possible to re-tie the neck of the bag by hand and remove it.

If you google big bag discharge stations, you should find someone in your part of the world who makes a discharger of this type.

If you don't have too many different bags to handle, the other approach is to hang the bag in a frame with a tundish at the base and a valve on the outlet of the tundish. When you want to change materials, you then just close the valve and move the whole bag frame and tundish assembly away with a FLT or hoist.

(not verified)

Re: Super Sac Search

Erstellt am 21. Sep. 2007 - 11:20

To: Bullet USA

You stated:

"I'm looking for a super sac for dry goods that has a closeable discharge spout such that the entire contents of the super sac do not have to be discharged at one time. Anyone have any leads"?

My advice:

Before anyone can give you the best solution to this temporary problem, and yes, there are solutions, it all depends on how much you want to spend to resolve it.

But to properly answer, many questions comes to mind, that need to be answered:

What is the present size of the super sac you are using and the weight and particle size of the dry goods you are handling?

What dry goods you are handling?

Are the dry goods a haz-mats or explosive? (A static producer?)

Are you trying to do a ‘batch-control’ or just control the dry goods ‘flow’?

I suggest to contact other Forum participants/members that are ‘local-to-your location’ that perhaps, already have customers with the same need as you, or they can custom-engineer a discharge system just for your application (most custom-engineering services are free of charges if they will lead to obtain your future bulk-bag business, ask for costs before engaging anyone firm.)

http://www.bulk-online.com/Cat/318.htm Browse by categories: bulk-online > Mechanical Feeders

Wishing success, ‘Ed’ in Ft. Lauderdale FL. USA

(not verified)

Visit Our Company

Erstellt am 24. Sep. 2007 - 02:20

We need more information about your issue, but you could visit our web site at www.livingjumbo.ro or send me an email at mirela@livingjumbo.ro and figure it out what it might fit.

Our experience on the big bags market should help you.

Have a nice day !

Bullet Usa

Erstellt am 24. Sep. 2007 - 07:13

Thank you for the posting. There are several solutions to this issue, but as indicated in other posts, a lot will be determined on how much you are willing to spend and us having a better understanding of the overall application.

If you wish to discuss in further detail, please feel free to contact me at: paul@suncoastpkg.com or (800) 785-0201.

Best regards,

Paul Grams

Product Manager

Sun Coast Packaging, Inc.

Paul Grams Sun Coast Packaging, Inc.
(not verified)

Super Sac

Erstellt am 25. Sep. 2007 - 06:20

Spiroflow Systems Inc. manufacture Bulk Bag Dischargers (BBD's)

that enable you to do just what your application requires. Our pinch bar system can be used to both control the rate of flow and to stop flow at any point. This enables part used bags to be tied off and removed from the Discharger allowing another bag containing a different material to be installed. Our BBD's can

incorporate 'loss-in-weight' systems to measure out precise quantities from Bulk Bags".

Thank you- Christina Holt


Spiroflow Systems, Inc.

Monroe, NC

Phone: 704-291-9595 Fax: 704-291-9594

Website: www.spiroflowsystems.com

Re: Super Sac Search

Erstellt am 28. Sep. 2007 - 07:04

Our website, www.bulkbagpackaging.com, features manufacturers of bulk bag discharging equipment that can stop the flow from a bulk bag.

You will not find a bulk bag design that can do this, you will need a bulk bag discharging / unloading station that will close the outlet spout during discharge. Once the discharge has stopped, you can tie the outlet spout, remove the bag, and save it for later.

Control & Metering is one manufacturer that uses either a high tension rope system, or mechanical pinch bars for sanitary applications, to stop discharge and close off the outlet spout of the bulk bag / super sack.

Please keep in mind that this is not an ideal way to discharge a bulk bag. It would be better if you had a feeder downstream that could dispense the product, and leave the bulk bag on the discharger until product is needed again. However, for operations where different ingredients are used on the same bulk bag discharger, and you don't need to dispense all 1,000 - 2,000 pounds, the "Flo Choke" is really the only option.


(not verified)

Help With Bag Flow Cut-Off

Erstellt am 30. Sep. 2007 - 04:14

I guess i'm a bit of a johnn-come-latley on this reply - but one of the options not yet mentioned is a simple and inexpensive iris valve. In trying to solve your problem with a feature added to the bag itself (which will cost you an incremental amount on every bag you buy from now on - somewhere in the $1 to $10 for either cord lock closures that don't work great - to slide gate bottom bags) the better solution is something you invest in once to solve the problem. The best solution then is a bulk bag unloading frame. This will allow you to not only safely support and discharge the bag, but can create a flow control system via the bag discharge spout. We (as others in the equipment business on these posts do) offer a pinch style pnuematically actuated positive cut-off device. However, these are not cheap, and will require maintenance at some point. We often provide our units with a manual iris valve from either Mucon or Salina Vortex. These units have a very low stack up, go from fully open to fully closed in a 180 degree rotation, and are pretty darned reliable. Best of all, their inexpensive - try $895 for the 12" model we add to most of our unloaders. They aren't a panacea, they are for bulk flow cut off and material must be moving through the spout for them to "cut" through the material. But for 1/4 the price of a pinch style system, they are definatley worth considering.

Let me know if we can help:

FormPak, Inc

Mike Owens


Re: Super Sac Search

Erstellt am 30. Sep. 2007 - 05:53

With all due respect to Mike and FormPak, we discourage the use of an iris valve for many reasons, but firstly it is a wear item and not a good solution for long term use. Many manufacturers use an iris valve as standard on their bulk bag unloaders / dischargers, but this forces the operator to blindly reach up and through the iris valve to grab the outlet spout and pull it down to untie and induce flow. This is not ergonomic for the operator, and we have seen operators in the field untie the bag prior to resting it onto the flat plate or hopper to make it easier for them. (It is a pain in the neck – pun intended) This negates the primary purpose of using a bulk bag unloader / discharger, which is safety for the operator as they are working under a suspended load (flow inducement and dust control are 2nd and 3rd most important).

As I mentioned previously, trying to cut off the flow of a bulk bag is not an ideal solution. Imagine a free flowing product quickly falling through a 12-inch diameter outlet spout, it takes a lot of force to cut off the flow of the product and there will always be downsides to trying to go this route.

CVTECH - ISL Cone Valve Technology, U.K.
(not verified)

Re: Super Sac Search

Erstellt am 30. Sep. 2007 - 10:29

ISL have a new way of discharging Bulk Bags which enables the bag to be removed part empty without even having to tie it off!



href="http://www.conevalve.co.uk/bbb.html" target="blank">http://www.conevalve.co.uk/bbb.html for more details


ubbd (GIF)

(not verified)

Agree - Disagree

Erstellt am 30. Sep. 2007 - 02:01

With all due respect taken Kevin - let me point out that I never mentioned or intimated that this was a perfect fix - it's definatley not. However, we have supplied hundreds of units with iris valves and have replaced at most (3) diaphrams on these units. They cost about $100 - not what I would cosider a major wear part or expensive to maintain.

You are correct as to the inconvenience of working through the iris valve - that is the biggest pain, however, I wouldn't call it ergonomically challenging unless the BBU has been incorrecly set up. The access or untie box needs to be at shoulder height (48" - 52" for most folks) for the best results. The only thing the iris valve does to complicate the untiying of the bag, is that the diaphram will need to be pushed out of the way to access the bag spout. Again, we have dozens of companies that do this every day without complaint - lot's of return customers in fact who actually love what the valve allows them to do.

Not sure what your recommendation is if you don't want the operator to access the bag spout - by the way the US and international standard for bulk bag fill and discharge spouts is 14" not 12". The only other option in dispensing the bag without unitying the spout is to pierce them. We build lot's of those too, but then your dust control and fiberous contamination become issues.

Again, it's not perfect, but it offers a solution to the problem. We have been in the "SuperSack" (the trade name of BAG Corp - they pioneered the bags in this country) business for over 25 years. It's all we do, and we do it for some of the largest companies in the world.



Erstellt am 30. Sep. 2007 - 05:03

Mike, I hope my reply didn't offend you. My last paragraph reiterating it wasn't a perfect solution was intended for the original poster. Even though we offer the pinch style cut off devices as well, I always make sure the customer is aware they aren't perfect.

Regarding the ergonomics of working through an iris valve, that statement was referring to the paddle / massager type bulk bag dischargers on the market, which you are fortunately not a part of. How those units are typically set up, it does require a long and blind reach to grab the outlet spout and pull it down to untie. On the hopper style dischargers there are no ergonomic problems related to untying an outlet spout, and the bulk bag is fully supported to keep the operator safe.

I just threw out a number regarding the outlet spout, we all know there is not one "standard" size bulk bag although many customers tend to think that. Trying to get bulk bag dimensions from clients is sometimes like pulling teeth! Also glad to hear your iris valves are holding up, we don't always see that in the field, but I'm not doubting your comments.

In no way was I trying to imply you or FormPak don't know what you're talking about. I have been aware of your company from the internet for several years and it looks like fine equipment (and better than the paddle style dischargers). Hope you understand.

Bulk Container Liners

Erstellt am 22. Dec. 2007 - 01:54

We are an experienced supplier of bulk packing( bulk/jumbo/container/big bags,FIBC), and located in Cahngzhou,China. We employ experienced workers and technologist to produce first-class quality big bags with 100% virgin material and new machines. We would like also to produce according to customers' requests

We can also supply dry bulk container liners.

For further details and interest, please don't hesitate to contact us. Sincerely hope to cooperate with you in the future.

Best regards,

David Wi

Sales Manager

Specialist in bulk packing solutions


Add: Sanhekou Industrial Park,Changzhou,


Tel: +86 519 88670999

Fax:+86 519 88670999

Mob:+86 13915848304



href="mailto:fwdavid@yahoo.com">fwdavid@yahoo.com and





href="http://www.s-millet.com" target="blank">www.s-millet.com

MSN: [email]wrs68david1982@hotmail.com

Skype: wrs68david


745503 (JPG)

David Wi Sales Manager & Engineer Specialist in bulk packing solutions (FIBC, bulk bag, big bag, jumbo bag, container liner) ******************************************** Uniqpack FIBC Packaging Co.,Ltd Tel: +86 139 15848304 Fax: +86 519 88670999 Email: [email]wrs68@163.com[/email] [email]david.wi@uniqpack.com[/email] Website: [url]www.uniqpack.com[/url] Skype: wrs68david ********************************************