Application For Post Of Sales Engineer

Erstellt am 2. Oct. 2007 - 04:31

SUB: Application for the SALES Engineer,

Dear Recruitment Officer

I am enclosing my CV for your consideration because I wish to take up a permanent job with your org. I have worked on project /sales at a MACAWBER BEEKAY(MANUFACTURER OF ASH HANDLING PROJECT) here in Delhi in the past several months in the project department locally but I wish to deploy my capabilities in a larger context, this has been a strong reason for my application to your firm.

I am an Indian national and I possess the necessary qualities and skills required by any candidate applying to an esteemed firm like yours. I can converse in several languages and have a great deal of finance work experience as. On the academic side, I have received a B TECH(MECHANICAL)degree from KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITYwith a high first class

My travelling experiences and great exposure to Market have given me a large platform to be globalized. I can easily adapt to my environment and work in a team or on my own depending upon what my work demands of me. I have no inhibitions of any kind and do not suffer from being narrow minded. My work definitely is my first and only priority although I do cherish other social and other interests that have helped me over the years in my goal of being an `all-rounder`.

My CV I believe is self-explanatory and if I had to distill my abilities and aims I would say that I am seeking to enjoy myself in an enterprising environment within an organization. Although at my age one cannot expect to be fully conversant with the wide range of activities that are undertaken within your firm, my experience at ULTRAFILTER INDIA and MACAWBER BEEKAY has wetted my appetite for further involvement in the financial sector. My soul intention of working in your firm is to diversify my skills and experience as well as solemnly bring credit to the firm. I have a high motive level and an unquenchable thirst for work, which does not have to be limited to the ‘Conventional Office Hours’.

, I would very much like to be considered for a position under the Management Trainee Program or any other relevant dept.

Yours Sincerely,

