Sorting Rock Salt

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 27. Aug. 2007 - 22:03

RHEWUM DATASORT will sort rock salt for esco GmbH

On August 9th, 2007 RHEWUM was awarded the contract for delivering an optical sorting device type RHEWUM Datasort for esco GmbH (european salt company GmbH) in Grasleben. The deciding factor were the software functions of the new Datasort generation. An upgrade with a LED lighting unit is provided optionally. By the RHEWUM Datasort the good salt quality of esco GmbH will further be enhanced.

The Datasort will be installed in underground mining shifting the sorting process closer to the extraction. As a consequence all components have to be designed, manufactured and delivered for the working conditions in underground mining.

The scope of supply also contains the vibrating conveyors for the feeding of the product and the basic engineering. Basing on an availability of 96 %, the sorting installation will sort up to 80 t/h of rock salt with a grain size of 15 – 80 mm.

Commissioning is scheduled for February 2008.

For more information, please visit:


rhewum_datasort (JPG)

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