Screen And Feeder Design (HB)

praveen - Larsen & Toubro, Cochin, Kerala, India
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 7. Aug. 2007 - 12:39

I had got an information that we can use VSMA handbook as a basis for designing screens. Is it true? if else from where will i get the values of these design factors..

S = Incline factor

D = Deck factor

V = Oversize factor

H = Half size factor

T = Slot factor

K = Material condition factor

Y = Spray factor

P = Shape factor

O = Open area factor

W = Weight factor

F = Efficiency factor.

I also want to know about how to get this hand book.

And is there any one having any information regarding Feeder Design...!!

With Full of hope!!!!


Re: Screen And Feeder Design (Hb)

Erstellt am 7. Aug. 2007 - 02:51


Using all these factors you rather select the screen deck for material you want to screen- type and size.



Ziggy Gregory
praveen - Larsen & Toubro, Cochin, Kerala, India
(not verified)


Erstellt am 8. Aug. 2007 - 05:30

Thanks for the link ..

but even though i tried to make a purchase through this but it is not working..

Is it required that i need a membership in AEM to buy this hand book..??

Please help me!!



Re: Screen And Feeder Design (Hb)

Erstellt am 8. Aug. 2007 - 10:06


It should be no problem to buy the book - if you have any trouble just ring them.



Ziggy Gregory
praveen - Larsen & Toubro, Cochin, Kerala, India
(not verified)

Re: Screen And Feeder Design (Hb)

Erstellt am 8. Aug. 2007 - 10:11


ok i will try..

and do any one know about any design databoks for feeder design???

Screen & Feeder Design

Erstellt am 13. Sep. 2007 - 11:13

Dear Mr. Praveen,

For selection of screen deck area you must go through Allis chalmer method .

Are you want to manufacture screen?

