Belt strength identification

Posted in: , on 27. Jul. 2007 - 08:27


im still new in this industry...hope all of u here can guide me...i just wanna know is there any formula or ways ( website, books,etc..) to identify or to find out the BELT STRENGTH of the conveyor by using only the value of the motor power of that conveyor?...

for example the conveyor is inclined conveyor with the motor at the snub pulley...

hope there is a way to find out....




Re: Belt Strength Identification

Erstellt am 27. Jul. 2007 - 07:38

There is a simple formula:

kW = P * V where (kW) is the power in kilowatts, (P) is belt tension in (kN) denoted as "P" for the reference to pull, and (V) is velocity in meters per second. Therefore, you also need to know the rate of work which is the velocity (V).

Rearranging the above to get belt strength:

P = kW/V excluding reducer and other efficiency factors

Therefore Belt Strength = P/W where (W) is belt width.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450
Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Belt Strength Identification

Erstellt am 27. Jul. 2007 - 07:54

The Australian Standards which belt is typically procured against in Australia, specifies that the belt is to be identified at a given distance (which if your standards require similar and you can find it, will tell you what you currently have).

Lawrence has indicated the most simple method, I am aware of, if you have an existing facility, though to the calculated "P" you should add the tension associated with the take up (maybe half installed CWT). In some situations this is relatively small compared to the calculated "P".



Re: Belt Strength Identification

Erstellt am 27. Jul. 2007 - 08:46

thank you very much for that useful really appreciate that..that's a very useful formula for me to estimate the belt strength at the site....once again thank you so much...



Re: Belt Strength Identification

Erstellt am 4. Aug. 2007 - 04:17

Thanks a lot Nordell, I am new also and reading this forum I am start learning of Belt,