Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Belt Changing System

Erstellt am 20. Jul. 2007 - 03:11

There are a number of topics on the installation and change out of belt if you go for a search on this site.

We currently do not have sufficient detail to assist you and it wouldnt not be appropriate for us to comment without suitable details.



Re: Belt Changing System

Erstellt am 21. Jul. 2007 - 04:32

giving, giving , giving. You've taken on a big job; then find you don't know how to put the belt into a belt conveyor & then expect a buckshee write up with a sketch. Ask Wagner Schwelm - between Essen & Wuppertaal - lovely little village - very nice people; but no more of a charity than the rest of us - for a write-up & sketch & see what they say. Don't stand too near the phone though.

John Gateley

Re: Belt Changing System

Erstellt am 2. Aug. 2007 - 09:51

Hi A.Banerjee

The installation is fairly simple, you'll need a belt stand to hold the rolls, winch and some operators.

You can either pull on each roll then splice as you go or you can flake out several rolls or a few kilometers then pull it on.

Could you supply more detail like belt specs, terrain, timeline for installation, can you pull from different locations i.e. 2 teams running simultaneously, size of rolls and weight.

Regards Bruce Baker Conveyor Consultants & Project Managers ________________________________________ "Professional Service" As Consultants our Customers expect and demand the right knowledge, expertise and experience and over the last 26 years we've proved we can do this time and time again, we guarantee it. "Worldwide Installations" We've worked all over the world and in all circumstances and conditions, from the Tropics of North Queensland, Australia to the Deserts of Saudi Arabia. "Expert Training" With 26 years experience, our customers bank on our extensive knowledge and expertise when they ask us to conduct training, we create a training programs customized to suit your specific requirements. ________________________________________

Re: Belt Changing System

Erstellt am 2. Aug. 2007 - 09:54

Hi John

If you don't want to help out the posters, don't, there are many that will help.

But when you write the crap like below, it wastes everybodies time.

Originally posted by johngateley

giving, giving , giving. You've taken on a big job; then find you don't know how to put the belt into a belt conveyor & then expect a buckshee write up with a sketch. Ask Wagner Schwelm - between Essen & Wuppertaal - lovely little village - very nice people; but no more of a charity than the rest of us - for a write-up & sketch & see what they say. Don't stand too near the phone though.

Regards Bruce Baker Conveyor Consultants & Project Managers ________________________________________ "Professional Service" As Consultants our Customers expect and demand the right knowledge, expertise and experience and over the last 26 years we've proved we can do this time and time again, we guarantee it. "Worldwide Installations" We've worked all over the world and in all circumstances and conditions, from the Tropics of North Queensland, Australia to the Deserts of Saudi Arabia. "Expert Training" With 26 years experience, our customers bank on our extensive knowledge and expertise when they ask us to conduct training, we create a training programs customized to suit your specific requirements. ________________________________________

Re: Belt Changing System

Erstellt am 2. Aug. 2007 - 10:12

Now here's the rub, when does free advice become free design?

Knowledge is built up over time and normally gained through working at a commercial organisation. Commercial organisations need to make a profit. How long will they last if they give away their knowledge to organisations with low cost operations. Answer, not long.

If you wish to pass your organisations knowledge on at no cost, that's up to you.


What's a consultant?

Someone who when you ask them the time -

Asks to look at your watch

Tells you the time

Charges you for doing it

Then keeps the watch.


(not verified)

It Is Not A Easy Work

Erstellt am 2. Aug. 2007 - 11:50

If you hope to replace the belt ,I could send you some document that explain how to do it step by step.



Re: Belt Changing System

Erstellt am 4. Aug. 2007 - 09:08

In my view, the forum should be used as the last resort for information and not the first place.

Otherwise, there is simply the tendency to ask the WWW or the Oracle for the answer and move on without too much ado for the gaining of depth of understanding.

Do we want to be catalogue engineers or experienced engineers.

When U are all alone and U have to make the decision by yourself > then this will be true test of your expertise, resolve and rational thinking.



Re: Belt Changing System

Erstellt am 4. Aug. 2007 - 11:31

Hi James

I thought the whole point of this Forum was to share information...........

Originally posted by r.j.morrish

In my view, the forum should be used as the last resort for information and not the first place.



Regards Bruce Baker Conveyor Consultants & Project Managers ________________________________________ "Professional Service" As Consultants our Customers expect and demand the right knowledge, expertise and experience and over the last 26 years we've proved we can do this time and time again, we guarantee it. "Worldwide Installations" We've worked all over the world and in all circumstances and conditions, from the Tropics of North Queensland, Australia to the Deserts of Saudi Arabia. "Expert Training" With 26 years experience, our customers bank on our extensive knowledge and expertise when they ask us to conduct training, we create a training programs customized to suit your specific requirements. ________________________________________
(not verified)

Re: Belt Changing System

Erstellt am 6. Aug. 2007 - 03:53

I think people like James and Johngateley are saying that people shouldn't be asking questions like "Can you design this for me" but should be asking questions such as "How can I design this". They can then be directed to the correct text books or consultants.

I agree with John's comments, Banerjee firm wins a 20km conveyor belt installation and then asks a question like that......unbelievable

Re: Belt Changing System

Erstellt am 6. Aug. 2007 - 04:40

It is not so much an issue of free design as a bypass of procedure. Minesite must be aware that before a client would order a 20km conveyor he just might have examined the construction schedule which the successful bidder had hopefully included with his tender submission. Purchase of the belting has major implications for the cash flow of a project in terms of outgoing expenditure & eventual revenue.

Accordingly I thought the posting to be either hypothetical or a disatrous oversight. Whichever is not my concern & neither should it be the concern of these forums.

The solution could be, & should have been, found in any belt conveyor handbook. Forums are surely for peer discussion & not basic education....for alleged peers.

I'm sorry if my crap wastes EVERYBODY'S time. In mitigation I would point out that I didn't ask for a free design to sort out a potential cock up, hypothetical or not.

By the way I think the real world posting should have queried the influence of splice curing time on the construction schedule. Then that would have brought the suggestion of "pull on each roll and splice as you go" into the discussion.

John Gateley

Re: Belt Changing System

Erstellt am 6. Aug. 2007 - 05:01

The horror of it all is when people like Mr. Banejee do not know when the advice given is to be respected or not, and when sufficient advise has been given.

Small, interesting, and sometimes difficult problems can be helped due to their one-dimensionality. Complex problems, like what under discussion, do no lend themselves to simple answers. The answers, to date, will only give the requesting party some insight.

The requesting party will not know that this is so, and must determine when best to seek help or be the fool for not.

Large costly mistakes usually sort out the whana-bees. Most savy clients already know who knows and who doesn't.

Still, it gripes some of us who do make the attempt to help. We find some who will take center stage as Great Pretenders with the very words of help given.

If some fool offers help, who will be the greater fool when it goes awry?

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Belt Changing System

Erstellt am 6. Aug. 2007 - 02:25

Lyle Brown wrote

We currently do not have sufficient detail to assist you and it would not be appropriate for us to comment without suitable details.

Your comment above should read,

“I” currently do not have sufficient detail to assist you and it wouldn’t not be appropriate for “me” to comment without suitable details.

I don’t believe or think it’s appropriate to speak for everyone on this Forum, unless you are the Forum moderator……………

John Gateley wrote

Minesite must be aware that before a client would order a 20km conveyor he just might have examined the construction schedule which the successful bidder had hopefully included with his tender submission

I certainly am aware, and if I thought that anyone could install 20 klms of belt with a few comments on this Forum and a sketch, I’d retire to Wigan and sit in a cosy little pub for the rest of my days….

Accordingly I thought the posting to be either hypothetical or a disastrous oversight.

As did I.

I'm sorry if my crap wastes EVERYBODY'S time

John, It’s not all your crap, most of your crap is great, it’s just some of it. ;-)

By the way I think the real world posting should have queried the influence of splice curing time on the construction schedule. Then that would have brought the suggestion of "pull on each roll and splice as you go" into the discussion.

So why don’t we discuss the “influence of splice curing time on the construction schedule” and the suggestion of "pull on each roll and splice as you go"

Sami.Ahmed wrote

I agree with John's comments, Banerjee firm wins a 20km conveyor belt installation and then asks a question like that......unbelievable

Stranger things have happened.

Lawrence Nordell wrote

Complex problems, like what under discussion, do no lend themselves to simple answers. The answers, to date, will only give the requesting party some insight.

So why don’t we go into detail and give some insight, lets explain the installation process of an average sized overland.

Do we think that explaining this on the Forum will replace the many years of experience it takes to do a successful installation.?

If some fool offers help, who will be the greater fool when it goes awry?

If I supplied the answer to that, as “designer” said, I would have to invoice you….what’s your postal address.?

If I’ve missed anyone I apologize…... ;-)

Regards Bruce Baker Conveyor Consultants & Project Managers ________________________________________ "Professional Service" As Consultants our Customers expect and demand the right knowledge, expertise and experience and over the last 26 years we've proved we can do this time and time again, we guarantee it. "Worldwide Installations" We've worked all over the world and in all circumstances and conditions, from the Tropics of North Queensland, Australia to the Deserts of Saudi Arabia. "Expert Training" With 26 years experience, our customers bank on our extensive knowledge and expertise when they ask us to conduct training, we create a training programs customized to suit your specific requirements. ________________________________________
Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Belt Changing System

Erstellt am 7. Aug. 2007 - 09:50

Mr Baker,

You comments, about my comments, seem reasonable.

The basis of the terminology is to absolve possible recourse should someone adopt comments out context (without getting the full details etc) and because of my consulting background (typical terminology whilst conversing with clients etc).

For these, et al, reasons please do not anticipate the adoption of the suggested terms on my behalf. By any means they do not preclude others from posting should they wish.



Re: Belt Changing System

Erstellt am 7. Aug. 2007 - 11:04


My comments to you and the others above were more tongue in cheek, please take it as just that, I mean no offense to you or anyone else.

We all must remember that this is a public forum, for the public, and all questions and comments are valid regardless of what our own personal thoughts are, if we don't like the question, it’s simple, we don't answer it.

If they are out of place it is up to the moderator or forum administrator to moderate.

We have people here from many countries and vastly different backgrounds, so interpretations of a question may be misunderstood and it can be difficult for the poster to be specific.

The last thing we want to do is to ridicule, this will stop others from posting and if it does, the forum will no longer be viable.

Originally posted by Lyle Brown

Mr Baker,

You comments, about my comments, seem reasonable.



Regards Bruce Baker Conveyor Consultants & Project Managers ________________________________________ "Professional Service" As Consultants our Customers expect and demand the right knowledge, expertise and experience and over the last 26 years we've proved we can do this time and time again, we guarantee it. "Worldwide Installations" We've worked all over the world and in all circumstances and conditions, from the Tropics of North Queensland, Australia to the Deserts of Saudi Arabia. "Expert Training" With 26 years experience, our customers bank on our extensive knowledge and expertise when they ask us to conduct training, we create a training programs customized to suit your specific requirements. ________________________________________