Ball Mill 16' x 23' Weight

Posted in: , on 17. Jul. 2007 - 14:16

Greetings All,

I'm new to this forum and would like to get some help from anybody.

My company is going to expand the processing plant and we would like to install a second hand unit of ball mill 16 ft x 23 ft. We bought the mill without having full drawings and information on it.

I need to know what is the total weighed of the mill in tonnes at this size excluding the liners and girth gear.

I need to calculate what is the crane size required to lift up the mill during installation.

I really appreciate for any feedback.


Re: Ball Mill 16' X 23' Weight

Erstellt am 17. Jul. 2007 - 02:17

For such a medium mill a 50tonne lift will do; so you'd have to hire a 250 ton mobile to manage the outreach. If you have SolidWorks2006 handy I can let you have a model of a TerexDemag 250.

But... if you copy the ancients you'd build a couple of ramps & use the truck winch to roll the beast into place. Finall lift via the saddles on the lifting suspension trailer. Too easy!

Don't have room for the ramps::then where would you stand the crane?

John Gateley

Ball Mill 16'X23' Weight

Erstellt am 18. Jul. 2007 - 02:44

Thanks for your comment John... but it would be a massive job preparing the ramp.

I don't think it is a standard practice people do. The space quite limited and only choice was to use a crane.

We have discuss with the crane operator and they suggested to use 300t and 500t crane capacity to lift up the mill to plinth.

However, the exact weight of mill was unsure causing decision to get that size of crane pending.

We need to know exactly the weight to calculate the crane size. We need to lift up the whole mill after assemble on ground to place it on mill plinth. 50t crane won't do the job.

Do you any other ideas?

Re: Ball Mill 16' X 23' Weight

Erstellt am 18. Jul. 2007 - 09:04

Read it again, lift 50 tonne; crane 250 tonne. 800 tonnes is a bit of a big job for a 16 foot mill.

John Gateley