Pittcon Networking Sessions

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Posted in: , on 20. Jun. 2007 - 13:57

Pittcon Conferee Networking Sessions Continue on the Website

Conferee Networking Sessions (CNS) made their successful debut at Pittcon 2007 in Chicago by introducing seven different topics organized into informal discussion groups. Based on feedback from attendees, we are excited to announce the Conferee Networking Sessions will not only be continued in 2008, but plans are already underway to expand the program to include many new forums.

One of the new discussion forums for the CNS is the Pittcon 2008 website (<http://www.pittcon.org/blogs/index.html>) where you will find four of the Pittcon 2007 sessions. Conferees, exhibitors, and the general scientific community are invited to participate in a discusssion on a listed topic or initiate a new subtopic.

Click here to view the entire list of topics and questions posted to each.


Technologies in Pharmaceutical Science


• Using Open-Access LC-MS Instrumentation

• Higher Instrumentation and Drug Development

HPLC/MS Users Forum


• Triple Quad Mass Spectrometry

• Ion Suppression Effect

New Faculty/Competitive Research/Teaching


• Strategies for Funding Research

• Biggest Challenge as an Investigator

ICP-MS and Chromatography for Metals Speciation


• Instrumentation

• Standards

• Technical Meetings

Login to the sessions and participate in discussions of interest to you. Tell your friends, co-workers, clients, supervisors, and salespeople that you now have a forum for discussing topics of topics of major scientific interest.


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