Ankersmid Eyetech Series

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Posted in: , on 7. Jun. 2007 - 14:31

Ankersmid Eyetech Series

Beyond Particle Size

Particle & Surface Sciences are the sole distributors in Australia and New Zealand for the Ankersmid Eyetech. A unique time domain measurement called Laser Obscuration Time (LOT) is used by the Eyetech system. A rotating laser beam scans individual particles in the sample zone. As the particles are encountered, the laser beam is obscured and interaction signals are detected by a photodiode. Since the laser beam rotates with a constant speed, the duration of the obscuration provides a direct size measurement of each particle.

Ankersmid’s Eyetech Concept offers the best of both worlds: Laser and Video. The unique Laser Obscuration Time Technique offers fast and accurate Particle Size Analysis, accurate description of non-spherical materials with sophisticated Dynamic Image Analysis. The measurement relates solely and directly to the particle size and results are independent of physical or optical properties of the particle or medium.

Obscuration by Laser-Particle Interaction:

Data is collected on single particles

Direct measurement of true particle size

Wide range with high resolution

Independent of optical or other properties

Particle size and concentration measurement

Broad concentration range. Higher but also lower concentrations than laser diffraction and electrical zone sensing technologies

No need for alignment or calibration.

The tedious and time-consuming task of manually selecting and counting particles by staring through a microscope can now be automated with Ankersmid's Eyetech image analysis software. Please contact PsS for a pdf full colour brochure of this new product by Ankersmid.

Particle & Surface Sciences also offer a wide-ranging programme of support solutions, including installation and service of all instruments by factory trained technicians, an Analytical Laboratory and a Sales Department to assist with your enquiries. PsS™ will be running a series of seminars across Australia during the months of July and October 2007. Please visit the PsS™ website for more information on the locations.

For more information, please visit:


eye-te12 (JPG)

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