Pet Coke - Storing and handling

Posted in: , on 31. May. 2007 - 23:19

Hello Members,

We are an engineering/construction team that wants to design and construct a new flat storage, loading and reclaiming system of pet coke escaping from the process at the petroleum refinery.

Here is what we know about the product:

1)Specific gravity of 0.5 (32 lbs/ft3).

2)Maximum temperature: 150ºF.

3)Storage of 40,000 to 45,000 metric tons in a flat storage.

4)Conveying product to feed the shed and reclaiming conveyor to reclaim from the shed to the ships.

5)Particles size (less than 4").

Here are the questions and the concerns we have:

1)Is newly produced pet coke has the tendency of self igniting?

2)Can the flat storage be left open considering the location of the plant around parallel 45 north of Boston USA?

3)Is the pet coke susceptible to segregate? Do we have to be concerned about the stock piling process and reclaiming process?

4)Is pet coke a free flowing material?

5)Do we have to spray? (Add water to the stock pile).

6)Do we have to monitor continuously the temperature of pet coke in the storage pile?

Any imput will be very apreciated.


Gruia Grigore, eng.

Re: Pet Coke - Storing And Handling

Erstellt am 28. Mar. 2008 - 09:47

We think that if you sprayed the stockpile or haulage product with Dust Stop (Dust Stop at you would never have this problem. The Dust Stop product will form a film over the pile and unless it is penetrated by something then there should be no oxygen within the pile to cause ignition and there would be no hazardous conditions to work in since the pile would be encapsulated and Dust Stop is 100% Environmentally Friendly.


Norm Burns

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Norm Burns