Best design point for feed variation.

Posted in: , on 4. Apr. 2007 - 08:14

Greetings All.

I am trying to reccommend a screen mod to a colleage who is thinking about replacing an existing screen in his plant.

The problem is the feedrate to this screen is very varibale, with a range of 50tph-100tph.

Assuming that this variability cannot be resolved.. can anyone suggest what is the best point to design to?

I have considered reccomending designing to a middle point i.e. 75tph, to minimizing overloading/underloading during normal operation, but there is also a case to be made for designing for maximum tonnages.

Any advice here??

Re: Best Design Point For Feed Variation.

Erstellt am 5. Apr. 2007 - 12:43


The screen will be small so it would be relatively easy to get the screen that has a big operating window and controll the flow with a frequency controller.

Ziggy Gregory

Re: Best Design Point For Feed Variation.

Erstellt am 10. Apr. 2007 - 05:12

Thanks Ziggy

I am confident we can make the right selection.

However, I am hesitant to install a VVVF.

For a fixed speed drive, is it better to design screen for the median operating point?

Re: Best Design Point For Feed Variation.

Erstellt am 10. Apr. 2007 - 05:18


In this instance you shall design the screen for the maximum load - midpoint is fine for low and mdedium load but what is going to happen when have high load and your screen is not up to it?

Ziggy Gregory

Design For Worst Scenario

Erstellt am 14. Apr. 2007 - 05:04

When we speak to folks about sizing an application...we typically ask what is average TPH......and what is MAX tph....we design for the bigger or worst fills all needs.

Best Regards, George Baker Regional Sales Manager - Canada TELSMITH Inc Mequon, WI 1-519-242-6664 Cell E: (work) [email][/email] E: (home) [email][/email] website: [url][/url] Manufacturer of portable, modular and stationary mineral processing equipment for the aggregate and mining industries.

Re: Best Design Point For Feed Variation.

Erstellt am 27. Jul. 2007 - 02:30

Then what are the other criteria to be considered for sieve design (or selection)?

turn the page...

Other Criteria?

Erstellt am 29. Jul. 2007 - 09:04

Sorry, I did not understand what you are asking.

Best Regards, George Baker Regional Sales Manager - Canada TELSMITH Inc Mequon, WI 1-519-242-6664 Cell E: (work) [email][/email] E: (home) [email][/email] website: [url][/url] Manufacturer of portable, modular and stationary mineral processing equipment for the aggregate and mining industries.

Re: Best Design Point For Feed Variation.

Erstellt am 30. Jul. 2007 - 09:16

I mean; what should i consider during the design process of the screen except capacity? Hardness of material? Size range? And what?

turn the page...

Re: Best Design Point For Feed Variation.

Erstellt am 30. Jul. 2007 - 09:36


Your question is very general - you're asking for someone to explain to you the whole design process. There are diffrent types of screens and different applications and different design philosophies.


Ziggy Gregory

Ziggy Gregory

Re: Best Design Point For Feed Variation.

Erstellt am 30. Jul. 2007 - 01:01

Thank you Ziggy. I got it now. As you see i am at beginner level of this sector. After getting more info, i will ask for your precious knowledge again. Thanks again.


turn the page...

Best Design

Erstellt am 13. Feb. 2008 - 05:52

Dear Sir,

Please design the as stated below.

1.Provide a surge hopper over the screen.

2. Locate a vibrating feeder below the surge hopper with VVVF drive.

3. Design the screen for 100 tPH.

This will solve the prioblem.

