Conveyor type

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 16. Mar. 2007 - 02:40

I saw a belt conveyor at a P&B show a couple of years ago that rolled itself into a sealed tube and moved on a trolley instead of idlers. I've searched the net for hours and can't find the manufacturer. Can anyone help me locate?

Also, if you have any knowledge of this type of conveyer, opinions are welcome.



(not verified)

Re: Conveyor Type

Erstellt am 16. Mar. 2007 - 06:00

I've discovered the proper term for this type may be "pipe conveyor" but this was a little different variation.

The particular type I'm looking for rolls to a point where the edges contact each other to form a seal. The belt is suspended by a series of rollers similar to an inverted I-beam trolley.

I don't think there is another conveyor in existence that will make the tight radius turns I need and move wet sticky material.

Please assist if you can.



(not verified)

Python Tubular Conveyor

Erstellt am 16. Mar. 2007 - 08:08

I could imagine that you are referring to the Python Conveyor, see here:

The Tubular Belt Conveyor System

The unique and patented design of the A.T.B.C's Python System allows the conveyor to be routed at steep angles, even vertically, make short radius turns and travel over unlimited distances. There is no other system with comparable cost effective features.

This conveyor system is particularly adapted to installation in existing plants to replace conventional handling of materials from floor to floor. The self closing tubular belt construction combined with its small size and weight make it an ideal system for most industrial applications.

Please also have a look at:


Reinhard Wohlbier

(not verified)

Re: Conveyor Type

Erstellt am 16. Mar. 2007 - 01:16


Thank you very much for your reply. The Python is a definite possibility but I don't think it's the one I'm looking for.

I remember this conveyor being suspended rather than traveling through a roller port like a standard tube conveyor does. It's entirely possible I just don't remember it correctly.

At any rate, Thank you for taking the time to help.


Re: Conveyor Type

Erstellt am 18. Mar. 2007 - 03:02

Regarding the Python pipe conveyor:

I have looked at the Python promotional material In my opinion, it is not a viable system.

1. Roller concept induces a power losing, belt wearing and idler roll wearing shear stress due to the differential speed between idler inner diameter and outer diameter along the cone surfaces.

2. Connection at belt edges were patented back in 1996. From memory, it is not the Python author. It also takes a special belt construction to cause the special forming shape to hold the tongue and grove connection and special details to unfold and load, given the belt's forming behavior.

3. Loading crossection is a pipe dream in color.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Conveyor Type

Erstellt am 18. Mar. 2007 - 03:41

There are two systems that are variants of the pipe system you may be searching for:

1. Sicon now owned by Contitech.

2. Fenner-Dunlop E.B.S.:

3. Australian - new concept of the pipe many years in developmemt - developed in Perth with novel construction not yet released to public

4. Other concepts are in development that satisfy you request. I believe they will be advertised in the near future.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450
(not verified)

Re: Conveyor Type

Erstellt am 18. Mar. 2007 - 11:26

Mr. Nordell

Thank you for confirming my memory isn't totally gone yet. The Sicon looks like the conveyor I've seen before. Both of the links you posted were very interesting.

Have you ever seen an application using either of those that was spiralled to convey vertically? I need to replace both the feed and discharge belt conveyors and a bucket elevator that rises 60 feet. These conveyors appear to be able to accomplish this but the literature doesn't indicate vertical conveying.

Thank you for your assistance.


Re: Conveyor Type

Erstellt am 18. Mar. 2007 - 11:34

Dear Ken,

The spiral method you speak of was patented by MAN of Germany in 1985. There are other concepts that do a similar process.

Also, the Python tongue and groove method was patented by a Swedish gentleman in in 1995 which, I believe, has no releationship to Python.

I believe there is a ship loader/unloader that uses/used a sequenced chain and baffle arrangement that also conveyed vertically.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450
(not verified)

Re: Conveyor Type

Erstellt am 18. Mar. 2007 - 11:48

Thank you Mr Nordell

You've been a great help!


Tube Belt Alternative

Erstellt am 8. May. 2007 - 04:03

We have another type of product, very similar to the tube belt but I think you will find it more suitable for your needs. Find a leaflet attached. If you are interested, let me know.


Stan Holcroft.

Frans van der Zee
(not verified)

Re: Conveyor Type

Erstellt am 19. Jul. 2007 - 10:32

Dear Sir,

I have seen that the EBS Conveyor is already intruduced to you by Others. Dunlop is producing the belt.

Our company is a world wide licensee of Dunlop in supplying the system.

You can find more information on our web side:

Best regards

Frans van der Zee

Enclosed Bulk Sytems bv