Go for Lime

Posted in: , on 28. Feb. 2007 - 17:20

We have been sharing our views and exposure particularly for gulf region in this forum for the last so many years.Earlier, we have shared our views in the same forum about - Gypsum, Flyash ect. and many of our friends have grabbed these opportunity at a right time and making lot of money.Now, due to rapid growth particulary in Gulf region there shall be huge demand for

Lime and lime-based products which are very essential to use in the following industries-

Agriculture,Chemical,Civil Engg.,Contruction,Gas treatment,Glass,Iron and steel,paper,Refractories,Water treatment and Drinking water ect. The total investment in the gulf region for the above mentioned industries up to 2012 is between 3-400 Billion US $. We see a great demand for Lime and Lime based products.This is the right time to go for Lime processing plant .The suggested locations for this plant are- Oman,Egypt,Saudi Arabia,Qatar,Ras al khema,Sudan.

Anil Seth



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