De-watering slurry

Posted in: , on 23. Feb. 2007 - 12:13

Slurry flow is ~ 350 cubic meter per hour; containing 15% solids with a density of 1300 kg per cubic meter.

This is a waste stream from a de-watering wheel...a unit that has sieves of aperture 125 micron. It fails to arrest the solids that I have illustrated above and am looking to recover this to lower cost of production in the process.

The said solids are in the particle size of between 425 micron to 125 micron.

I'd appreciate some ideas on what I could use to recover this to a level of %% moisture cake.

I have put out enquiries for a belt press, but am not certain it is a continuous de-watering scheme...and I do need a continuous service.


RPD - Invista (UK) Ltd., U.K.
(not verified)

Re: De-Watering Slurry

Erstellt am 23. Feb. 2007 - 04:41

I don't fully understand what is happening here.

You have a seive of aperture 125 microns so how are particles of 125 to 425 microns getting through? If they are don't you have a problem with your screens?

You mention that you are looking to achieve a 96% moisture cake, I assume you are talking about a 96% solids cake (i.e no more than 4% moisture?) and you do not mean that you want the clarified liquid from the filter to be more than 96% liquid (i.e. no more than 4% solids)?

If you are talking about a cake with only 4% moisture, that may be difficult to achive mechanically it depends upon the nature of your solid and the liquid.

True continuous separation devices such as centrifuges and rotary filters are candidates for you to look at but are probably more likely to achieve 10 to 15% moisture rather than the 4 to 5 you are looking for.

De-Watering~ Some Clarity

Erstellt am 27. Feb. 2007 - 09:46

The de-watering wheel scoops up material from a containment which has a slurry feed via pipeline.

This containment has an overflow trough to allow for excess liquors to flow as effluents. The solids are supposed to settle out at the bottom and get recovered by the wheel.

The O-flow stream then leaves with those particles of a size fraction that are susceptible to the turbulence action in the interests are attempting to recover this effluent.

Observation is corret I would wish to obtain as high as possible a solids concentration ...continuous operation for the size ranges mentioned earlier.

The slurry is a trona~ Sodium carbonate crystals in liquor

Thank You