Bon Index Vs Production Vs Power Consumption

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 8. Feb. 2007 - 07:36

Sir/ Madam,

If Bond Work Index will change, the what will be the effect in Production rate and Power consumption

Sample : Lime Stone

I know that When bond Index will increase Power consumption also increase.

Please clarify, If bond Index will increase what will happen in the Production rate???????????

**There is any relation between BI and Production?


Re: Bon Index Vs Production Vs Power Consumption

Erstellt am 23. Feb. 2007 - 05:14

Gday Suresh,

I assume you wish to maintain the same grind size.

The higher the WI the harder the material is to grind.

Therefore when the WI is increased the work required to maintain the same grind size increases.

There are two options to accomodate this increase in work.

The power of the mill can be increased and the production rate kept the same. Or the Power can be kept the same and the throughput should be decreased in order to maintain the grind size.

The following formula relate throughput, Power and WI:

W=10*WI [ (1/P80^0.5) - (1/F80^0.5)



W = Work Input (kWh/t)

WI = Work Index (kWh/t)

P80 = Product 80% passing size (micron)

F80 = Feed 80% passing size (micron)

T = Throughput of Feed (t/h)

P = Power Draw Required (kW)

Hope this helps,


Brett W

Bwi Calcs Modified

Erstellt am 7. May. 2008 - 04:06

Hello Brett,

Great reply, short and succinct.

If I may suggest a modification to the formula; I have always modified it as follows.

W=W0 + 10*WI [ (1/P80^0.5) - (1/F80^0.5)


W = Work Input (kWh/t)

W0 = Work required to keep the crusher/mill/etc going without any ore load on board (kWh/t)

WI = Work Index (kWh/t)

P80 = Product 80% passing size (micron)

F80 = Feed 80% passing size (micron)

T = Throughput of Feed (t/h)

P = Power Draw Required (kW)

It may also be worthwhile noting that the formula is for kilo Watt hours per metric tonne.

[COLOR="DarkRed"][/COLOR][FONT="Book Antiqua"]JohnHVisser[/FONT]