CHoPS 2009 Brisbane

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 29. Jan. 2007 - 12:28

Key Issues regarding Bid for combined International Conferences and Industry Exhibition:


3-7 August 2009, Brisbane Exhibition and Convention Centre

1. Background

The International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids (CHOPS) has been

run in the northern hemisphere on a 3-year cycle since 1995. It is normally hosted each time by a

different country that does not hold similar events.

The next two events are scheduled for 2006 (27-

31 August, Italy) and 2009, which will represent the 6th event in the CHOPS series.

The International Conference on Bulk Materials Storage, Handling and Transportation (ICBMH)

has been run in Australia on a 3-year cycle since 1983. The next two events are scheduled for 2007

(October, University of Newcastle) and 2010, which will represent the 10th event in the ICBMH

series. The organiser of ICBMH is the Australian Society for Bulk Solids Handling (ASBSH),

which is a Technical Society of Engineers Australia. ASBSH is happy to run ICBMH’10 a bit

“earlier” in 2009 to combine it with CHOPS-06.

BULKEX, which is the largest bulk materials handling exhibition of its kind in the Asia Pacific

Region, has been run in Australia since 1998. This event now is being run on a 2-year cycle by

Informa Australia (alternating between Melbourne and Sydney), and is scheduled for 2006

(September, Melbourne), 2008, 2010, etc. Informa has agreed to run a special BULKEX in

Brisbane in 2009 in conjunction with CHOPS and ICBMH. This will be the first time that

BULKEX will be run “outside” NSW and Victoria.

2. Reasons and Benefits

Most of the major international conferences around the world in the areas of bulk materials and

powder/particle technology (e.g. CHOPS, ICBMH, World Congress on Particle Technology, World

Congress of Chemical Engineering) usually hold relatively weak/minor industry exhibitions. Hence,

such conferences are attended mainly by academics and researchers/scientists.

Most of the major industry exhibitions around the world in the areas of bulk materials and

powder/particle technology (e.g. Chicago, Shanghai, Tokyo) usually hold relatively weak/minor

conferences. Hence, such exhibitions are attended mainly by users and suppliers.

One of the Missions of ASBSH is “to promote cooperation between universities, research

establishments, consultants, equipment manufacturers & suppliers and industrial users”.

Based on the above and the experiences of the ASBSH executive (who are distinguished “academic”

researchers also undertaking extensive commercial work for industry), it is believed that the

combination of CHOPS, ICBMH and BULKEX will provide a unique opportunity to integrate

academic/scientific research and industry issues and requirements. The benefits are:

a) increased awareness of academic researchers in the areas of industrial applications, problems,

requirements, equipment and instrumentation;

b) future R&D directions and projects;

c) increased awareness of industry users/suppliers in the areas of “academic” achievements, expertise and capabilities;

d) increased academic/industry networks and linkages.

Additional activities will be held during the conference/exhibition to promote academic/industry

interactions and relationships (e.g. workshops, case study sessions; industry seminars and open

forums to discuss industry concerns and issues, as well as future requirements).

The only event in the world that runs a major “academic” conference and a major industry

exhibition in parallel is POWTECH-PARTEC in Nuremberg, Germany. This combined event has been

quite successful in Europe for many years.

CHOPS-ICBMH-BULKEX in 2009 will be the first time that such a major “combined” event will be held in the southern hemisphere. The proposed location and timing of this event is ideal, considering the economic and resources boom in Australia, China and India. For this reason, BULKEX will focus on the Asia-Pacific region, and this in turn will attract more industries from Europe and the USA (due to the increasing market/business opportunities in China and India).

3) Leadership

Prof. Dr. Peter Wypych, the proposed Conference Chairman, has extensive academic/research and

industry experience (and contacts) worldwide. With his good track record in running international

conferences (e.g. ICBMH in 1998 and 2004) and numerous short courses for industry, as well as his

working relationship with Informa (e.g. BULKEX 2006), Peter Wypych is the ideal person to

spearhead this joint venture and ensure its success. This is supported by the following evidence

(detailed in his CV – separate document).

• Wypych has been the Conference Chairman and Editor of refereed Proceedings, 8th International Conference on Bulk Materials Storage, Handling and Transportation (ICBMH), Wollongong, 2004 and 1998. Through such activities and other involvements with national/international events, Wypych has a strong network of contacts in the academic/scientific community – this will prove useful in developing the various national (local) and international committees required to assist in the organisation of this special event.

• Whilst the proceedings of CHOPS are not refereed, Wypych’s previous experiences in “processing” large numbers of papers for review will be useful in facilitating the journal publication process following the conference.

• Wypych has an excellent track record in research output (at both fundamental and applied levels), as evidenced by his extensive list of research grants and journal/conference publications. He also has been working directly in numerous technical areas relevant to CHOPS-ICBMH (e.g. pneumatic conveying, flow properties, particle/bulk characterisation, fluidisation, deaeration, bin/hopper geometries, flow patterns, belt conveying, conveyor transfers, CFD and DEM modelling of particle and fluid flows, dust control, dust explosions, risk assessment). Wypych also has direct experience in particle technology areas (e.g.

organisation of WCPT-4 in Sydney, member of IFPRI, Inc for 6 years). Hence, he will have no problem in planning and organising the technical program for the combined conference covering all relevant particle/powder technology and bulk materials handling topics (as evidenced by the programs developed for ICBMH’98 and ICBMH’04).

• Wypych has extensive industry experience and contacts (via approx. 40 to 50 consulting and contract research projects for industry per year). The organisers of two major exhibitions (Informa for BULKEX and WES for International Powder/Bulk Conference & Exhibition, Shanghai) have benefited from Wypych being involved in the planning and organisation of special workshops for industrial users and suppliers.

• Based on the above, Wypych has the expertise to collaborate with academics/researchers, Informa and industry worldwide to develop an integrated conference and exhibition for both the academic/scientific and industrial communities.

CHOPSBidIssues : Wypych 3 July 2006


chops_2009_brisbane (JPG)

(not verified)

Chops 2009 Brisbane (Continued)

Erstellt am 29. Jan. 2007 - 11:39

The EVENT for 2009 !!

6th CHoPS + + 10th ICBMH + BULKEX = SUCCESS !!

3-7 Aug 2009 – Brisbane Exhibition & Convention Centre

Unique industry-scientific interaction and networking

Powder & Bulk industries vital to Australia’s economy

Brisbane + QLD ? Largest BM export terminals in world

Leading Particle Design & Minerals Processing Research

Delegates can experience this first hand:

Tech program, Industry involvement, Site visits, Social & Tech tours)

You find the Photo Gallery: CHoPS 2006 Sorrento, Italy at:


href="" target="blank">


chops_2009_2 (JPG)

(not verified)

Call For Papers: 6th Chops, Brisbane 2009

Erstellt am 11. Jul. 2008 - 01:22

6th International Conference for Conveying and

Handling of Particulate Solids

with 10th ICBMH and BULKEX

3 – 7 August 2009

Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

Brisbane, Queensland


Call for Papers

For more details, please see this pdf:


chops_2008_call_for_papers_v3_lo_res (PDF)

(not verified)

Re: Chops 2009 Brisbane

Erstellt am 11. Jul. 2008 - 01:30

6th International Conference for Conveying

and Handling of Particulate Solids

with 10th ICBMH and BULKEX

“Integrating Scientific and Industry Communities”

Combining 2 major International Conferences with Asia-Pacific Exhibition:

• Storage, Flow, Feeding, Conveying, Processing

• Technology and Modelling Developments

• Measurement, Control and Instrumentation

• Mining Operations and Port Facilities

• Particle Attrition and System Wear

• Dust Hazards and Environmental Aspects

3 – 7 August 2009 Brisbane,



href="" target="blank">

For more information, please see this pdf:


chops_ad_2 (PDF)

(not verified)

Chops 6th International

Erstellt am 11. Jul. 2008 - 01:39

6th International Conference for Conveying

and Handling of Particulate Solids

with 10th ICBMH and BULKEX

“Integrating Scientific and Industry Communities”

3-7 August 2009, Brisbane Convention & Entertainment Centre, Australia


href="" target="blank">

CHoPS 6th International

ICBMH 10th Int. Conference on Bulk Materials Storage, Handling & Transportation

BULKEX Asia-Pacific Bulk Materials Handling Exhibition

Integration of Scientific & Industry Communities

Particle and Powder Technology

Particle and Bulk Characterisation

Nanoparticle Technology

Design & Production of Particulates

Size Enlargement & Reduction

Solids & Minerals Processing

Storage and Flow

Drying and Cooling

Segregation and Mixing

Particle Attrition & Quality Control

System and Component Wear

Industrial Case Studies

Integrated Workshops: Problem-Solving; Research

Mining Operations

Port Facilities

Mechanical Conveying and Feeding

Pneumatic, Hydraulic & Capsule Conveying

Environmental Aspects and Dust Hazards

Educational Issues

Separation and Classification

Measurement, Control and Instrumentation

Modelling and Fundamentals

Computer Simulations & Validations

3-7 August 2009

Brisbane Convention & Entertainment Centre,



1_chops_brisbane (JPG)

(not verified)

Chops And Icbmh And Bulkex

Erstellt am 10. Oct. 2008 - 03:31

Dear Colleague,

For the FIRST time in history, two major international conferences (CHoPS and ICBMH) are being combined with the major Asia-Pacific Bulk Materials Handling Exhibition (BULKEX) in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia on 3-7 August 2009.

This will the BIG event not to be missed in 2009 !!

Call for Papers is now available. Abstract Deadline = 28 November 2008.

This special combined event will cover all Nano, Particle, Powder and Bulk Material technologies. The Scope of the combined Conferences is extensive, such as:

Storage, Flow, Feeding, Conveying, Processing

Technology and Modelling Developments

Measurement, Control and Instrumentation

Mining Operations and Port Facilities

Particle Attrition and System Wear

Dust Hazards & Environmental Aspects

Fluidisation, Drying and Cooling

Educational Issues

The overall aim of this event is to "Integrate the Scientific and Industry Communities". The networking/collaboration opportunities will be tremendous (not see at previous conferences and exhibitions)...and we have some exciting things planned for this special event.

Expressions of Interest* and* Abstract Submissions are via the official website: <>

I dare you to miss it !!

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, etc.


Peter Wypych

Conference Chair




Please also visit these important sites:

(not verified)


Erstellt am 1. Dec. 2008 - 09:46

CHoPS+ICBMH+BULKEX - Extended deadlines

CHoPS = 6th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids

ICBMH = 10th International Conference on Bulk Materials Storage, Handling & Transportation

BULKEX = Asia-Pacific Bulk Materials Handling Exhibition

3-7 August 2009, Brisbane, Australia


href="" target="blank">

...covering all Nano-Particle, Powder and Bulk Material technologies

Dear Colleague

Numerous abstracts have been received to date - many thanks to the respective authors. We will be going through the abstracts shortly and notifying the authors accordingly. With the exhibition space selling fast as well, this major combined event is shaping up to be something really special indeed!!

As a result of recent events and suggestions from industry, we have decided to:

(a) extend the current deadlines (see below);

(b) introduce an option for authors to have their papers peer-reviewed.

The details are summarised below (the website and other documents will be updated soon).

**** Extended Abstract Deadline (all papers/posters) = 13 February, 2009

Notification of Abstract acceptance (at latest) = 20 February, 2009

**** Full Paper Deadline (for Peer-Review) = 17 April, 2009

Notification of Peer-Review (at latest) = 15 May, 2009

Deadline for corrected peer-reviewed Full Papers = 12 June, 2009

Deadline for “non” peer-reviewed Full Papers and Posters = 12 June, 2009

Abstract Submission is preferred on-line via the official website:


href="" target="blank">

However, if you do experience any difficulties here, please do not hesitate to email your abstract to me directly. A proposed paper title with all author details and a 200-word abstract is sufficient for this purpose.

The Scope of the combined Conferences is extensive. Please refer to the Call for Papers via the website for further details. For example, here are some sample Tracks for CHoPS+ICBMH:

Simulation and Modelling of Particulates and Systems

(Track chair: Prof. Jin Ooi, University of Edinburgh, Scotland).

Particulate Solids Sensing Techniques

(Track chair: Prof. Georg Brasseur, Graz University of Technology, Austria).

Design, Production & Delivery of Particulate Products

(Track chair: Prof. Jim Litster,*Purdue University, USA).

The overall aim of this event is to "Integrate the Scientific and Industry Communities". The networking/collaboration opportunities will be tremendous (and unprecedented).

I look forward to welcoming everyone to Brisbane, Australia and this exciting event in August 2009.


Peter Wypych


For more information, please visit:


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