ATEX Symposium

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Posted in: , on 26. Jan. 2007 - 18:20

New ATEX Symposium announced for Victam International 2007.

We are pleased to announce a new Symposium for Victam International 2007.

This new ATEX symposium will be organised by Tebodin CCE. Details of the symposium are shown below. Additional information on all five conferences and workshops can be found on the our website - These are:

1. Petfood Forum Europe 2007

2. the Provimi Symposium

3. The ATEX Symposium

4. Aquafeed Horizons

5. Pellets for Bioenergy.

The ATEX directive a practical guideline for implementation

organized by Tebodin CCE on May 9, 2007

Recently the European Union has adjusted the regulations for installations where there are risks of dust explosions. Hereby they changed the old regulations, which applied for environments with risks of gas explosions and combined them with new regulations for installations and environments with risks of dust explosions. The new regulation, which is applicable for the whole European Union where there are environments and installations at risk of gas or dust explosions, is called the ATEX guideline. This guideline is applicable for example in feed mils, flour mills, and grain processing companies.

Tebodin CCE, an independent consulting and engineering company in the agro-industry and bulk handling, will organize a conference regarding the practical implementation of the ATEX guidelines.

This conference will take place on Wednesday, May 9, 2007, from 14:00 until 17:00 h, at the Jaarbeurs Exhibition Halls in Utrecht. Our target is to give a practical guideline how the ATEX regulations can be implemented in existing installations in Europe. The conference will be held in cooperation with Prof. Radandt and Mr. Jan Heijnen.

Dust explosions have been an important subject for many years. Nowadays, fortunately it does not happen very often; due to the many precautions that have already been taken in the feed milling and similar industries. For example: welding licenses, slip control sensors etc. But when a dust explosion happens, the consequences can be disastrous. That is the reason why factories, insurance companies and the government pay a lot of attention to this subject. Within the environmental licenses a lot of regulations are included to decrease the risk or to prevent a dust explosion. The regulations and the guideline for the implementation are included in the ATEX-directive.

The ATEX directive should have been implemented last year, but due to a lack of understanding, many companies have not completed the implementation. Therefore we would like to illustrate by means of a practical approach how a company can fulfil these guidelines easily. To give a complete overview, first the theory of dust explosions will be summarized. After that the ATEX guidelines will be explained. In the second presentation an overview of all technical possibilities to prevent a dust explosion will be given. If prevention is not possible also solutions to reduce the effect of a dust explosion will be presented. The main consequence of the guideline is that the safety of personnel and the environment will be increased. Beside that, the new guideline will also generate extra investments that will have no direct yield. That is why it is important to determine which investments are really needed and what solutions are most applicable to decrease certain risks. This will be explained in the last presentation with several examples. During the last presentation Tebodin CCE will show that a few practical adjustments can result in a safe installation according to the ATEX guideline.

For more information, please contact Mr. J.A. Verheul.

Email:, or visit Bookmark this site to check for regular updates about the ATEX directive conference at the Victam 2007.

The conference will be held in the English language. Delegate registration: EURO 45 per person.

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