Circulating of air for powder transportation

Posted in: , on 26. Dec. 2006 - 10:35

Dear everyone,

I've learn from some process of milling powder product and have questions!

The system have a rotary valve feeding big particle powder to a milling machine then transfer light power to a baghouse that connect with a blower. To transfer the milled particle to the baghouse, they use discharge air of the blower like an air-close system. In my opinion it is so strange for me, because I usually design drafting a fresh air to transport powder to the bag house like a negative system but this system seems like positive (forcing air and powder to the baghouse) system plus negative (drafting air to baghouse by blower) system.

Do you think that this system is pratically work?

Thank you for your opinion in advance.


Re: Circulating Of Air For Powder Transportation

Erstellt am 26. Dec. 2006 - 04:21

What you are describing is a basic pressure type pneumatic conveying system. Assuming it is properly designed and uses the correct equipment it will work just fine. It's a very common way to transfer bulk materials.
