Multi deck Circular Screen

Posted in: , on 24. Dec. 2006 - 10:04

We use circular vibro screens for grading abrasive powders. The problem is these machines work fine with single deck, but as soon as we mount 2nd or 3rd deck, the bottom screen starts getting blind.

We tried increasing the vertical amplitude, changed the phase of the top and bottom eccentrics, used ball trays, ring trays, but all in vain.

The bottom mesh in the above experiments were 120 or 150 and the top one was 80.

Does the motion of material change on the screen as the no. of deck increase ? What could be the parameters responsible for the above problem ?

Re: Multi Deck Circular Screen

Erstellt am 26. Dec. 2006 - 07:22

How old is this screener?

Maybe the springs supporting the deck are OLD and lazy and this will cause poor screening efficiency.

Maybe your WIRE diameter is a tad too big on the 150m, I assume it is T304 or T316 stainless steel wirecloth?

Maybe the supplier of that mesh, is not supplying a nice TIGHT interwoven wire in the RING FRAME....and yes it happens.

If the ball tray did not keep clean....Ummm sounds like some other problem.

....................................................let's try plan B

1. Where does the mtl come from? A grinder or?

2. Is the product shape angular, cubical or little arrowhead shaped. Look under a magnifying glass, if slivery.....IT WILL PEG or plug.

3. 150 mesh screening is VERY difficult at best of times.

4. May be overloading this deck and pressing or forcing the material into the opening and unable to clear

5. What % of minus 150 is in the TOTAL INFEED. ...BY sieve analysis.....if too much NEARSIZE to 150mesh this could be the problem.

6. Is material absolutely DRY, if not this will blind the holes.

7. The sifter may be undersized in DIAMETER to handle the tonnage being fed. Is this a 4', 5' or 6' diameter? You may need to split feed to units of the same diameter.

8. Do you have clean power to this machine?


This type of screening can be done many ways by the way......150mesh and finer suits itself nicely to TYLER HUMMER electro magnetic vibrating screens.....or a highspeed DERRICK.

Best Regards, George Baker Regional Sales Manager - Canada TELSMITH Inc Mequon, WI 1-519-242-6664 Cell E: (work) [email][/email] E: (home) [email][/email] website: [url][/url] Manufacturer of portable, modular and stationary mineral processing equipment for the aggregate and mining industries.
(not verified)

Re: Multi Deck Circular Screen

Erstellt am 30. Dec. 2006 - 08:05

Rotex machines have been supplied for such abrasive applications with upto 5 decks.

Sure 150 mesh is quite fine.. shouldnt be a problem though. Few abrasive companies in India do use these 4 & 5 deck machines with good sucess. For more information please visit.

website :

Any Answers To The Troubleshooting Questions?

Erstellt am 2. Jan. 2007 - 01:51

Happy New years. George

Best Regards, George Baker Regional Sales Manager - Canada TELSMITH Inc Mequon, WI 1-519-242-6664 Cell E: (work) [email][/email] E: (home) [email][/email] website: [url][/url] Manufacturer of portable, modular and stationary mineral processing equipment for the aggregate and mining industries.

Re: Multi Deck Circular Screen

Erstellt am 2. Jan. 2007 - 12:28

Happy New Year George and everyone else !

Sorry for the late reply.

1.The Screen is brand New.(The supplier too is confused); so there is no question of spring being old and lazy.

2.The wire is 45 guage, stainless steel

3.We fit the screen cloth in the frame at our place and we make it really taut and nice. So no problem there.

Plan B

1.The material comes from roller crusher to scalper with mesh 60 and the minus 60 is the feed material.

2.The product shape is like arrow heads. the aspect ratio is high, so yes, they are wedge shaped.

3.The screening is difficult , but that is our business !!

4. The feed rate to the machine is 400 kgs/hr and the feed falling thro 80 mesh and on 150 mesh is 300 kgs/hr.

5.Minus 150 in the total feed is 20 to 30 % and nearer to 30%

6.The material is dry

7.The machine is 4' dia

8.The power quality is doubtful( I never thought about this !!)

Over and above things, my main question is that, since adding decks above changes the center of mass of the suspended body, does it change the flow pattern on the screens ? How ?

Waiting eagerly for reply.

Re: Multi Deck Circular Screen

Erstellt am 2. Jan. 2007 - 05:47


A happy New Year to everybody.

I am first time posting, so please excuse any mistakes.

I was selling, testing, starting up, trouble shooting and repairing circular vibrating screens from 1985 to 2003.

The problem you have proves a theory I came to know some time ago.

What you experience on the bottom screen is bridge building (blinding) of the fine material - in German we call it: "Brückenbildung" - a phenomenon well known, and in these days very often additional ultrosonic vibration is suggested. But most probably wouldn't work in your case.

When you worked without top screens you had coarse particels in the material to be screened which bounced around on the bottom screen and which broke the bridge building of the fine particels.

As you installed the top screens you took away the coarse particels and the fine material was alone on the bottom screen and made bridges between the wires and there was nothing to break it up. So, blinding was the result.

As a consequence you have to introduce something larger on top of the bottom screen which will bounce around and break up the bridge building of the fine material.

Introducing balls, rings, etc. under the screen won't help.

In tests I introduced a V-belt on the screen and that helped - a V-belt won't be discharged through the outlet-spout of the oversize.

So, introduce something larger on top of the screen which won't run out of the outlet spout.

Hope you are successful!

Re: Multi Deck Circular Screen

Erstellt am 2. Jan. 2007 - 09:22

I agree with GeorgeP the likely explanation is the new upper and middle decks ar removing the coarse particles that kept the material above the screen free flowing and non blinding when it was operating as a single deck unit.

Potential solutions are :-

Pre-screen the fines out and then split the oversize into various fractions , this can be done using two seprate units or using a gyratory screener with internal overize reciculation to the lower decks - if youd like further information on htis please email me at


put in some material which will tumble on the surface of the fine deck and break up hte 'bridges' this should be big enough so that it does not pass out of the material outlet - in the past I have used square rubber cubes approx 30mm diameter and a perforated plate with say 10mm holes across the oversize outlet to stop these being rejected . If there is a screen spiral fitted this needs adapting to allow the cubes to recircualte or they will jam at the outlet like a log pile and hte screen will blind in the centre.

Ultrasonics may work - may not as well and are a potential maintenace problem - only trials will tell

Re: Multi Deck Circular Screen

Erstellt am 3. Jan. 2007 - 08:12

Thank you guys,

I will try the V-belt technique as also the oversize recycle technique.

But still the basic question remains : the centre of mass of the suspended body does change when we add decks 2, 3, 4 etc.

Is there no effect of this change in center of mass on the screening ?

It is well known that the upper eccentric weight in circular screens, is kept at approximately the center of mass of the suspended body. There must be a reason for this placement. By adding decks no. 2, 3, or 4, we are shifting the center of mass upwards and away from the upper eccentric weight(which is responsible for the horizontal amplitude)

So now, the upper eccentric weight is acting below the centre of mass INSTEAD of acting AT the center of mass.

What is the significance of this deviation ?

Also, the lower eccentric weight (responsible for the vertical amplitude) acts at a much lower distance from the center of mass than it previously did. Again deviation from design......

What is the significance of this ?

Please share any ideas, however wild they may be, with me. I have referred a lot of literature, but this thing still evades me.


Erstellt am 3. Jan. 2007 - 09:30

>> But still the basic question remains : the centre of mass of the suspended body does change when we add decks 2, 3, 4 etc. <<

It is correct, the centre of mass of the suspended body does change when you add decks 2, 3, 4 etc.

But this is not the main cause for blinding, I think.

Though, it will change your overall perfomance - capacity, flow pattern on the screen, vertical bouncing. Therefore you might have to change the amount of weights and the angle setting between upper and lower weight. And/or you might have to live with a lower capacity. Nothing (more decks) is for free.

Literature does not tell too much about circular screening. Not too many people really do know in detail how and why it functions. It's all trial and error and experience. Sorry.

Re: Multi Deck Circular Screen

Erstellt am 10. Jan. 2007 - 05:35

Hi GeorgP,

Your V-belt technique proved very useful in single deck screen. The material comes out completely free of dust.

I will try this in a two deck system and let you know the results.

This was a valuable suggestion. GeorgP's experience has paid off.

Re: Multi Deck Circular Screen

Erstellt am 10. Jan. 2007 - 10:47

Hi waipl,

I am glad to hear you were successful.

The effect you achieved (dust-free oversize) of course is a different effect than we originally tried to achieve (reducing blinding of bottom screen in a multi-deck machine).

But any improvement is a success, isn't it.

The dust free oversize is due to the mechanical action of the V-belt (or any other larger object on the screen) onto the particels of the material to be screened.

You break the adhesion between particel and dust (probably due to static electricity) with the help of the V-belt (or any other larger, bouncing „thing“ on the screen.

An ultrasonic vibration device would serve the same purpose.

One thing though you have to watch. There is a grinding action on the V-belt (or any other „thing“) due to the screen, which means you get a small amount of rubber (or other material) into your material to be screened.

In case you work with very pure powder this might cause a problem.

I am looking forward hearing about your further tests.

Screen Deblinding

Erstellt am 29. Dec. 2008 - 05:11

Hi George,

I am replying almost after a year. Sorry for that. The V-belt technique is useful for two deck screens also. It is also working wonderfully well on screens as fine as 325 mesh.

We put 1,2 or 3 v belts of different sizes depending upon the feed material's particle size distribution.

What I gathered from studying the belts jumping on the screen is :

1. The belt's vertical amplitude at the centre of screen and that at the periphery of the screen are different.

2.So different frequencies are present on the screen at the same time, instead of a singular frequency imparted by the motor.

3. This provides a resonant frequency for many more particles and so screening is improved.

4. The belt also distributes the material uniformly in a thin film over the screen and also increases the residence time of the powder, which increases the chance of the undersize being passed.

And yes, rubber contamination is not an issue for our product.