Bottle shaped PE liner

Posted in: , on 21. Dec. 2006 - 15:20

hello friends. i want to ask something about test methods of bottle shaped liner used for inner coating of FIBCs. how can i measure the strength of welding on the neck and shoulder (or let's say mouth) parts of bottle shaped liners. are there any instruments and any methods to measure strenght of these sections. thank you very much.

RPD - Invista (UK) Ltd., U.K.
(not verified)

Re: Bottle Shaped Pe Liner

Erstellt am 21. Dec. 2006 - 05:33

The only tests I have heard of being carried out on this type of weld is a destructive test. Cut out a section of the liner including the weld and do a tensile test on it.

The liners aren't structural so there isn't normally as much effort put into ensuring the integrity of the welds of the liner as there is the fixings of the support loops for obvious reasons.

Re: Bottle Shaped Pe Liner

Erstellt am 21. Dec. 2006 - 05:52

thank you very much RPD. but i think there should be some extra detailed methods. only tensile testing is not enough for me. there should be specific methods espacially for welding parts of liners.

thnaks in advance.

Fibc(Bulk Bag)

Erstellt am 13. Dec. 2006 - 04:42

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