Increase in capacity of a rotary dryer

Posted in: , on 21. Dec. 2006 - 10:30

Dear Sir,

Currently we are using a rotary dryer for drying pellets from 50% to less than 1%. Its capacity is 100 tonnes per day.

kindly suggest me the ways to improve its capacity by 10% by making slight modifications either in design parameters or in process parameters to the existing one.

Thank you

Re: Increase In Capacity Of A Rotary Dryer

Erstellt am 21. Dec. 2006 - 01:46


Heat input, rotational speed, horsepower of the drive, retention time, possibly some "predrying" to reduce the initial moisture are all factors to be considered.

Your best bet would be to go back to the original designer or supplier who know specifically what margin of design is in the equipment and they should be able to help you.


Re: Increase In Capacity Of A Rotary Dryer

Erstellt am 26. Dec. 2006 - 10:56

Dear Gopiiitr

Without any details it is difficult to assist.

Bear in mind that drying efficiency can also be affected by the supply and exhaust air rates.Is it once through or recirculating.If the former, are you achieving the desired temperatures or just using what you can get?If the latter then you may have too much humidity.

Do you have baffle blades to throw the material as it passes through the drum?if so, are they damaged?If not think about installing them.


Increase In Capacity Of Rotary Dryer

Erstellt am 29. Dec. 2006 - 06:36

Dear Gopiitr

I agree with both the gentlemen. Without any details it is very difficult to comment. I think an energy audit might help you.

With regards

Dinesh Kamath

Spectrum Energy SErvices


Lf Pumping - Ultimate Dryer Of A Growing Range Of Materials

Erstellt am 12. Feb. 2009 - 09:59

If you used the LamiFlo Drying System from Lf Pumping as a pre-dryer then you would vastly increase the capacity of the rotary drum. The Lamiflo system uses air, to dry, and it is the most environmentally friendly dryer in the market place.

The LamiFlo system woudl take off most of the moisture content then allow the rotary drum dryer to take off the last amounts, thus speeding, and increasing the use of the rotary drum dryer.

Dryer Audit

Erstellt am 20. Dec. 2009 - 04:57


We design, manufacture, and test rotary dryers. If you would like we could give you a process audit with some of your current design parameters.


[B][URL=""][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]FEECO International Inc.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/URL][/B] Phone: 920.468.1000 [url][/url] [I]We're More than an Equipment Company...We're a Complete Solutions Provider![/I]

Increase Rotary Dryer Capacity

Erstellt am 11. Feb. 2011 - 02:37

if you want to increase Rotary Dryer capacity,As a Complete Solutions Provider,We're More than an Equipment Company. We design, manufacture, and test rotary dryers. If you would like we could give you a process audit with some of your current design parameters.We have 30 years of rotary dryer production experience.

DSMAC Group Engineer:jacker website: [url][/url] [url][/url]

Rotary Dryer

Erstellt am 14. Mar. 2011 - 03:25

You have not give enough details for us to advise you how to increase the rotary dryer capacity. Know more about rotary dryer