Blending PE pellets with a pneumatic conveying system

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 7. Dec. 2006 - 19:09

Dear All

I have a quest with my pneumatic system for conveying PE pellets 1/8" diameter.

My production is 6000 lbs of PE and I have a check hopper for 6000 lbs. Every hour, the PE is transferred to a Blender for 200000 Lbs.

Once we complete 30 batches, we start to blend the 30 batches with a pneumatic system, transferring PE from the bottom of the silo to the upper, but we need to make some modifications to the silo to convert it as a blender; what I need is some advise about how and which should be the internal elements necessary to assure a perfect blending of PE.

Thaks to all that may help me

Best regards

Daniel Giraldo

Blending Pe Pellets

Erstellt am 9. Dec. 2006 - 06:11


Blending and product homogenization are two different processes. For example, blending is done to mix different grades, different colors, different sizes, or entirely different products. Homogenization is done to make the same material more uniform by reducing variations such as melt index and density.

Conversion of your 200,000 lb silo into a "blending silo" will depend upon your objectives.

For this conversion you can contact several vendors who are in this business. Let me know if you need my help.


Amrit Agarwal

Consulting Engineer

Pneumatic Conveying Consulting


Ph and Fax: 304 346 5125

Re: Blending Pe Pellets With A Pneumatic Conveying System

Erstellt am 9. Dec. 2006 - 06:54


You did not mention how fast you want to blend, but if it is not too fast you can use a column lift and be continouosly blending your material.

Look at your solids flow profile, and try to use it in your advantage.

If you can post a diagram of your storage silo, I might be able to give you a sketch of what you can try cheaply, then you can go and buy a blender, if you wish.

I suppose you have no problem with having steel inside the bin, right?


TECMEN Consultant in: Sponge Iron (DRI) handling Sponge Iron DRI Automated Storage Firefighting and Root Cause Analysis Pneumatic Conveying Consultants Phone 5281 8300 4456.

Re: Blending Pe Pellets With A Pneumatic Conveying System

Erstellt am 9. Dec. 2006 - 06:59


Ahora en espaol.

Mezclar pellets de plstico no es difcil. Coloca uno o varios elevadores fluidizados. Esto es un tubo con una inyeccin de aire en la parte inferior, de manera que los pellets suban por el interior del tubo y se depositen en la superficie.

Coloca una serie de placas, en forma de V invertida para ayyudarte en el mezclado cuando se est moviendo el material dentro del silo.

Qu tan rpido quieres que se mezcle, depender cuntos elevadores pongas. No los hagas muy anchos.

Empieza con tubos de 4".

El propsito de los elevadores es mover el material dentro de tu silo. El mezclado princippal se va a hacer por el flujo de slidos dentro del mismo, para eso las placas.

Si puedes, mndame un correo con un dibujo de tu instalacin y te mandar un "sketch" para que puedas empezar.

No es difcil. Una vez que purebes el primero, tçu decides, si compras un mezclador comercial, o si lo haces t.


TECMEN Consultant in: Sponge Iron (DRI) handling Sponge Iron DRI Automated Storage Firefighting and Root Cause Analysis Pneumatic Conveying Consultants Phone 5281 8300 4456.