RPD - Invista (UK) Ltd., U.K.
(not verified)

Re: I Have A Problem With Screw Conveyor!

Erstellt am 1. Dec. 2006 - 04:49

You don't tell us the pitch of the screw?

The material moves forward one pitch per revolution.

The answer is = length / (pitch x rpm) - giving the answer in minutes of course.

Thanks You.

Erstellt am 2. Dec. 2006 - 09:06

Thanks!I can calculate the time.You can help me another.I use screw conveyor to transport coffee.It is horizontal.The length is 11m the diameter is 0,2 meter,pitch is 0,2 meter.rpm=30.the productivity is 0,6 ton/hour.But when I calculate force is small.The power of screw conveyor need is only 0,08 kW.I think it is too small .Thanks!!

RPD - Invista (UK) Ltd., U.K.
(not verified)

Re: I Have A Problem With Screw Conveyor!

Erstellt am 4. Dec. 2006 - 11:56

I think your theoretical calculation sounds about right but we are talking about practicality here rather than theory.

In this type of system the majority of your power will probably go in frictional losses in the drive, bearings, etc. I assume you have intermediate bearings on a conveyor of this length which can consume a lot of power.

I don't have a lot of experience of small thoughput screws like this but on an 11 m long conveyor the drive system will be a very small proprotion of the total cost.

Pragmatically I'd put a 1 or 1.5 kW motor on this but if anyone else has more experience of small thoughput conveyors, they may have a more scientific approach to share?

One other thing by the way, 30 rpm appears faster than you probably need for the capacity, a screw drive of this type is really sized by torque not power. It may be worth looking at running it a bit slower.

Thanks A Lots!

Erstellt am 8. Dec. 2006 - 06:13

Thanks a lots!

Yes!I used a hanger bearing on a intermediate conveyor!Thanks for your help!I will try to finish it.Perhaps I will choose a 1.5kw or 2 kw motor.


Re: I Have A Problem With Screw Conveyor!

Erstellt am 10. Dec. 2006 - 10:18

11 meters long and 200 mm diameter means that the flights will hit the trough or pipe. It is preferred not to run with an empty screw conveyor.

If you want to use a calculation program fro screw conveyors and other bulk conveyors, you can send an e-amil to sales@jh.nl and ask for it. You will receive a place where to download it and a code for using it.

kind regards,

Jur Lommerts


Jansen & Heuning Bulk Handling Systems
