Thrust Loading and Cantilevered Screws


I was wondering if anyone had a method to calculate the thrust load generated by a screw feeder? Also I'm working on the design of a cantilevered screw, does anyone know of a method for calculating support reaction forces (other than using simple beam formulas)?


The Captain.

RPD - Invista (UK) Ltd., U.K.
(not verified)

Re: Thrust Loading And Cantilevered Screws

Erstellt am 18. Oct. 2006 - 04:24

If you know the power input to the screw, angle of the blade at the periphery, etc. I guess it would not be too difficult to come up with a theretical assessment of the split of power between radial and axial forces.

An alternative approach would be to design for the full motor power converted to an axial load on the bearing. If you can do that you should be OK for events such as a conveyor jamming due to overload or similar. If this approach comes up with a ridiculously large bearing you may want to do the more rigorous analysis but on a cantilever screw I would have expected the design to be dominated by radial loads anyway.

As far as radial loads are concerned, they are material dependent. Run the conveyor empty and you are into simple bending theory due to the self weight. When you put material into a conveyor thpugh, the material at the bottom can support some of the weight of the flight and reduce the radial load on the bearings. However magnitude of any reduction in effective weight is material dependent. It would be very unusual if this resulted in an upward force greater than the weight of the flight though.

If you are doing bearing calcs, as the conveyor will probably run empty for some parts of its life, working on the self weight of the flight (assuming your material doesn't build up on the flight and increase its weight?) would look sensible.

If you are doing a fatigue analysis on the shaft and are interested in the loads over different periods of the operating life, the only thing I could suggest is to use a test machine, measure the sag when empty and when operating with powder. From that, yopu can back calculate any support which the powder gives the flight.

Re: Thrust Loading And Cantilevered Screws

Erstellt am 18. Oct. 2006 - 04:44

Thanks for the reply,

This might be a dumb question but how do you calculate the total hp of the motor converted into an axial thrust load? Do you look at a normal force acting on the flight and convert that into axial components to balance the torque?


The Captain.

RPD - Invista (UK) Ltd., U.K.
(not verified)

Re: Thrust Loading And Cantilevered Screws

Erstellt am 18. Oct. 2006 - 05:15

As you can probably guess, I normally take the simple conservative approach and only analyse more rigorously if the simple approach gives an answer which looks too "over the top".

If you can calculae the torque and the angle of the blade at its periphery (which is dependent upon the pitch and diameter of the flight). I would assume that the material directly in from of the blade was acting as a row of ball bearings that are fixed in position. As you suggest it is then a simple force vector calculation to convert that into an axial load.

If that results in a ridiculously large bearing, you may have to do a more rigourous analysis, first try assuming a coefficient of friction between blade and powder.

You could also try bringing in soil mechanics type active / passive pressure theory. Assume the torque resists an active pressure on the powder in the but the pressure imposed back at 90 degrees to that is an active pressure and is consequently significantly less.

I am sure that you realise that the above is meant to help with your thought processes to come to an answer, I am not suggesting it is a standard method of analysis.

One further thought this axial force would be much more of an issue with screw dewatering presses and similar devices. If you don't llike the answer you get from your calcs, try having a chat to manufacturers of this type of equipment to see what they do.

Axial Loads On Contilevered Screws

Erstellt am 19. Oct. 2006 - 02:11

Unless the feeder is delivering to an end discharge, the normal axial thrust is the weight of the material in transit times the frictional coefficient of the material on material. This frictional value is somewhat different from the internal angle of friction of the bulk material because the bed deposition is not isotropic. Compacting screws and plug feed screws offer a completely different situation and can produce extremely high end thrust pressures, but these devices are definitely not for amateur design.

As RPD indicates, an empty screw suffers rotary bending due to classical mechanical principles. Bed support after priming and during running however, may exceed the weight of the screw and result in an upwards load, particularly if handling a dense product at high cross sectional loading. This is not likely to result in large forces, unless there is wedging or jamming in the screw flight clearance or the residue packs, 'sets' or 'cakes' to a firm layer, in which case the forces, both radial and axially, may jump to disturbing levels that are difficult to predict.

The length of a cantilever screw overhang is limited much more by rotary bending stresses and deflection than by bearings or support requirements and I would caution on the dangers of fatigue, because a screw will soon rack up sufficient stress cycles to take the metal into the fatigue range. Changes of section and welds are stress concentrators that can lead to crack initiation and early failure, particularlly on items of stainless steel construction.

Re: Thrust Loading And Cantilevered Screws

Erstellt am 19. Oct. 2006 - 02:55

Thanks for the replys Lynn and RPD.

This is an open end discharge so the likelihood of material being compacted in the screw is low (i.e. generating high thrust loads and the screw is small 4 O.D.) but I still wanted to design the thrust bearing to handle the thrust in a motor stall situation. The loading in this case is not large (about 2000 to 3000lbs depending on friction using a screw thread analogy type analysis).

As for shaft bending due to its weight, doesn't the flighting strengthen the screw? I have been analyzing only the shaft section since the flighting is in various locations (helix shape).

This is a high temperature application, is creep typically analyzed?

Screw Thrust

Erstellt am 20. Oct. 2006 - 08:32

The thrust load on the screw will be very limited if the screw is open ended and clear. An overload will only be caused by a blocked outlet or binding on the flight tips. Should the outlet block, massive end thrust can be created, as vitually all the power is concentrated on the end flight. Something has to give, and it is usually the end flight before the bearing, as this has a vulnerable tip that can bend back. Should this event be a prospect it is generally better to fit a blockage detector than beef up the flights and bearing. An excess power due to jamming will increase the torque, but not the end thrust. It may increase the bending stress, depending on the shape of the obstruction. 'Caked' residue in the clearance layer will tend to both increase the torque and impose a bending load on the screw. Various techniques are available to deal with these problems, but it should not be expected that specialised manufacturers would divulge proprietary information of this trade value in a formum of this nature.

Re: Screw Thrust

Erstellt am 20. Oct. 2006 - 09:46

Originally posted by Lyn Bates

it should not be expected that specialised manufacturers would divulge proprietary information of this trade value in a formum of this nature.

A phrase I've seen before applies "free advice NOT free design"

RPD - Invista (UK) Ltd., U.K.
(not verified)

Re: Thrust Loading And Cantilevered Screws

Erstellt am 20. Oct. 2006 - 09:51

Lynn has answered your first question, answering your final two points:

The effect of the flighting on the overall structure is surprisingly low when you do the analysis. I remember checking it years ago and the difference it made was so small it just wasn't worth including in the the overall stiffness calculations.

Creep isn't something I have studied before on a conveyor, I wouldn't have expected you to have a problem with the flight tube though as long as it is rotating. Any bending stressses in one direction would be reversed when it is rotated through 180 degrees.

I am sure there will be some parts which are subject to a load only in a single direction, the weld of flight to tube for example but i would have expected you to have to get to a very high temperature or to have the conveyor static at temperature for a long time before you saw any real problems with creep.

Material Info To Conduct Analysis ..?

Erstellt am 2. Aug. 2012 - 03:40
Quote Originally Posted by Lyn BatesView Post
frictional coefficient of the material on material

That's interesting ... you're talking about the internal shearing of the material I think. Is there somewhere where I can find this out for specific materials like Aluminium Powder 1100kg/m3 & 10um waxed grain size ..?