Bulk handling - to the experts! Urgent

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 4. Oct. 2006 - 11:09


I need some help w.r.t. bulk handling of pellets;

1.What are main criteria that need to be identify to select belt thrower details for filling containers with liner; e.g capacity

2.Can we use same belt thrower for 20’ or 40’ containers?

3.what are different methods for filling bulk containers?


5.How we are measuring/ weighing the product, is their a system integrated with belt thrower or we need additional equipment?

Thanks in advance

simon nicholls
(not verified)

Re: Bulk Handling - To The Experts! Urgent

Erstellt am 17. Oct. 2006 - 12:45

Sorry for the delay in responding - I have been away on vacation.

pp pellets will loaded very well by the loader. we have a number of units handling this material across the world.

gravity feeding from a silo is the best method. when you say 25m height, what does this mean? I assume that this is the height of the silo - not the distance below the silo outlet.

if you email me at snicholls@redler.com, then i can give you a budget proposal and send you further information. alternatively, please contact Charlescr as he can also assist if this is useful. We can also discuss possible weighing methods - we are part of the Schenck Process Group who specialise in industrial weighing.

(not verified)

Bulk Handling Expert Help. Urgent!!

Erstellt am 4. Oct. 2006 - 10:53


I am proposed for looking after a bulk system and I have to set it up.

I need some help to know more about the following:

1. What are the main creiteria that need to be identified for selection/ proc a belt thrower e.g. capacity?

2. Is it possible to use the same thrower for filling 20' or 40' containers with liner?

3. Suppliers of such ?

3. what are other option for bulk handling?

4.Can i get system integrated with weighing scale or it comes separtly?

Any thing else i may miss...

Thanks in Advance for help

RPD - Invista (UK) Ltd., U.K.
(not verified)

Re: Bulk Handling - To The Experts! Urgent

Erstellt am 4. Oct. 2006 - 11:46

Redler make the type of thrower you are after, see:


How far you can throw with it depends upon the material, particle size, etc but I am sure Redler will be able to help if you give them a call with more details of the material you are handling.

We don't use the belt thrower, we fill containers with a powder not a granule, so use a different sort of thrower, we use a weighbridge on the ground just in front of the thrower and weigh the vehicle during filling. People who make throwers don't normally make weighbridges so it would be normal for us at least to let two separate contracts for the two items.

simon nicholls
(not verified)

Re: Bulk Handling - To The Experts! Urgent

Erstellt am 4. Oct. 2006 - 12:47

The Redler Container Loader (CLS) is suitable for granular or pelleted material (and some finer materials with high bulk densities such as refined sugar). In response to your questions:

1. Instantaneous capacities are between 100 and 200 Te/hr. The overall capacity depends on the method of operation but typically a 20' container can be loaded (lorry in to lorry out) with plastic pellets in 15 - 20 minutes.

2. This depends on the material - the same unit can be used and the throw trajectory can be changed but the percentage fill will vary (generally less for 40' containers).

3. That will be us!

4. Other options are belts, screws and pneumatic systems - but if your product is a pellet the CLS will be cheaper to buy and run, give better loading rates and has increased operational flexibility.

5. You can integrate the CLS with a weighing system but it depends how you wish to do this. Often the easiest / cheapest way to weigh the lorry before and after loading the container - do you have a weighbridge on site at present?

We are currently looking at a mobile, low cost system for loading powders to improve on current technologies - but I'm afraid that this will be in development for some time yet.

Let me know if you need further information and I'll try and help.

RPD - Invista (UK) Ltd., U.K.
(not verified)

Re: Bulk Handling - To The Experts! Urgent

Erstellt am 4. Oct. 2006 - 03:08

A couple of further comments, it is certainly cheaper to weigh the vehicle at a site weighbridge before and after you fill it but most operators want to squeeze as much as possible into the container. If you are volume limited on the container that is fine but if you are weigh limited, it is very easy to overfill. It is often a big problem if you need to part empty an overfilled ISO container.

I for one would be very interested in Redlers new developments in container filling for powders, I hope they will post details when available?

(not verified)

Re: Bulk Handling - To The Experts! Urgent

Erstellt am 5. Oct. 2006 - 03:01

Thanks for info it is helpful...

Yes we have weighing bridge but it is operated by 3rd party... that's why we are more interested in having weighing system befor filling...

The material is poly pellets

Q. will the thrower performance effected by feeding method? we use gravity from storage at height of more than 25 m

where i get more info about weighing system?


(not verified)

Re: Bulk Handling - To The Experts! Urgent

Erstellt am 5. Oct. 2006 - 03:05

one more thing...

what is the expected cost of such system?

roughly ....

Bulk Container Loaders

Erstellt am 6. Oct. 2006 - 05:39

Hello, just noticed your posted message and understand that you're looking for container loading equipment. Our company Turner Process Equipment Ltd, based on the UK, manufacturers a range of bulk container loaders utilised for rear opening lined containers of either 20' or 40' type. We have supplied equipment throughout Europe and to South America where our equipment is currently being used for fish meal loading. If you would like some further information then please feel free to contact me of visit our website for further information; www.turnerprocessequipment.co.uk

Look forward to hearing from you.