Dual Bag Bulk Bag Unloader

Peter Hoefler
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 1. Oct. 2006 - 04:42

HAF Equipment, Inc., Centerville, MN, USA

Bulk bag unloader features a dual beam and hoist-trolley designed to handle two bulk bags at a time. Dual bag arrangement saves time and space when discharge rates are high. Splits the time an operator needs to get a new bag into unloader. Heavy duty frame has 5" square tube members and is built in two pieces for ease of install.

A unique vibrating hopper with combination ForceFlo bag massagers ensure powder flow of even the most difficult solids. Two independent solenoids control massaagers for custom discharging. Oversized spout access door has a single handle water-tight door. Suitable for food, dairy and general industrial.

For more information, contact:

Mr. Peter Hoefler

HAF Equipment, Inc.



bulkbagdualx (JPG)

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