Bulk Matewrial Reclaiming system

Posted in: , on 19. Sep. 2006 - 20:51

I am currently searching for a vendor to help in engineering, procuring and commisioning a bulk reclaiming system to be installed in British Columbia Canada in the next year. We are looking at reclaiming and stacking a 80-100k stockpile of prilled sulphur at rates or 1500tonne/hr reclaim and 100tonne/hr stacking.


Kurt Findlay

Sulphur Prills Storage

Erstellt am 19. Sep. 2006 - 10:03

You might try <www.geometrica.com> as they have geodesic domes that have central stackers and reclaimers in one unit and can be built to any size. The geodesic dome allows for weather proof storage and reclaim

My other question is how are you going to deal with the build up of static electricity?

Sulphur Prill Reclaim

Erstellt am 20. Sep. 2006 - 04:06

It is an interesting idea, but we are looking at having the stockpile uncovered and due to the long narrow pile we are looking at a bridge or portal type reclaiming sysytem.

As for the static electricity, this is dealt with static resistant belts and grounding all the equipment. Water and steam supressoin are also used to mitigate static electricity.