Machines for soy handling

oresteavila4512 - TECNIPORT, Cuba
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 14. Sep. 2006 - 23:01

When unloading soy pellets/beans with a grab you need to make a pile on the central part of the vessel bay and also to remove the material is sticked to the walls.

What kind of machines could be used to to these 2 jobs?

What kind of features or protections should be considered to avoid damage resulting from dust, corrosion, etc?

Kindest regards


Descargas De Materiales Compactados Y Adheridos.

Erstellt am 9. Oct. 2006 - 06:58

Orestes, nuestra empresa asesora a los mas importantes puertos de productos a granel en Chile, Peru y Argentina.

En puertos que descargan a velocidades de 700 toneladas hora de Pellet de soya, utilizamos la ayuda de retro excavadoras para despegar el material de las paredes de la bodega de la nave.

Basicamente la maquina se embarca cuando tenemos hecho un cono de unos 2 metros de profundidad en el centro de la bodega. mas profundo implica mayorores riesgos para el operador.

Generalmente esto sucede habiendo descargado el primer tercio de la altura de bodega. La maquina debe trabajar hasta liberar el pegote de todo el contorno del cono que realiza la pala de la grua.

Es una tarea lenta y tediosa pero no se recomienda hacer hoyos mas profundos que 3 metros maximo.

Idealmente las retroexcavadoras deberian ser del tipo 4x4 para que no queden en pana por falta de traccion.

Asimismo es recomendable que las maquinas esten en optimo estado de mantencion para que no tengan derrames de aceites y fluidos hidraulicos.

Llegado el momento de remate de la bodega ingrasamos buldozers normales para juntar la carga al centro de la bodega y dejarla disponible para la grua de descarga.

No dudes de consultar, mucha suerte.

Marcelo A Alonso.
(not verified)

Unloading Soy Pellets/Beans With A Grab

Erstellt am 9. Oct. 2006 - 07:09


Please be advised that this is an English-speaking forum and it would be appreciated if you reply in English, especially since Orestes has also written in English.


Reinhard Wohbier


Erstellt am 10. Oct. 2006 - 01:15

Orestes, our company advice ports and terminals who handle grains and bulk products and would like to help you about your enquire.

In ports with transference speeds about 700 tons/hour of soya pellets and beans we use excavators to remove the material ticked on the wall of the ship cargo hold.

Basically the excavator shall be lifted on board once the crane grab perform a cone into the material. The cone hole on the material canot be deeper than 2 or 3 meters, by safety purpose. Deeper holes can be dangerous for the operator.

Generally the inconvenience to unload the material starts about 1/3 on the total hight of product located in the hatch. The excavator machine shall work until release the material sicked on the walls all around the area.

It is an slow and dificult job, once chance to perform better results is to make biggers and deepers holes on the material surface, it is not recomended to do because safety procedures.

Is highly recommended to use four weel drive excavators to perform a better job in all hatch area.

Also is advisable to keep on good mantenance conditions the machines who will work on board, the oil and hidraulic licking can be dangerous if you are unloading cargo who will be used later for human or animal food.

Once you reach the final level of the hatch the use of wheel loader to move material to the hatch floor center in the optimate unloader crane radio until finish.

Do not hesitate to contact me for more information.

Marcelo A Alonso.