Alternative for pull-cord switches?

Posted in: , on 20. Aug. 2006 - 14:44

I am working on a standard design for overland conveyors that can symply be mooved either a few meters or to a location a few miles away.

The traject can either be right or curved.

The power is supplied by diesel-electric aggregates one for each conveyor system

To exceed the flexibility of the system and to reduce the down time of the system I do not want to use pull cord switsches or any electric cables along the conveyor system.

The conveyor is installed either at 1 meter above ground level or at 3 meters above ground level.

In the situation where the belt is situated 3 meters above ground level it is a public area but the design with the round columns entering the belt frame and the dangerous area rather complex. The drive- and tail end section can be protected by a hetch.

The conveyor situated at 1 meter above ground level is located at a restricted area. People hovever may enter this area and accidents cannot be avoided.

What is the standard or possible solution for those conveyors according to the safety rules.

How can I protect the maintenance personel.

The total conveyor system will consist of 3 or 4 conveyors to cover the total traject of 2 km’s

I intend to control the revolutions of the tail-end pulley in order to stop the drive motor of the feeding conveyor. A start-up of the conveyorsystem will be a local action at the drive end section of each conveyor.

Stopping the total system will be done by stopping the conveyor in the front that will stop the other conveyors automaticcaly by the controlled tail-end pulleys.

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