Frank Schimmelmann / Herding

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 18. Aug. 2006 - 21:31

Restructuring at company management level Frank Schimmelmann (40) has been appointed as the new Managing Director of Herding GmbH Filtertechnik in Amberg i. d. Oberpfalz with effect from 1 July 2006. He thereby seamlessly takes over responsibility for Sales / Marketing / After-sales Service from the previous Managing Director Dr.-Ing. Hans Joachim Adlhoch who held the post at the company for 15 years.

Dipl.- Ing. Frank Schimmelmann has been with the Herding Group for eight years and says that his main objectives are to safeguard the continued success of Herding and to expand the company’s position in industrial filter technology ( dry dust collection ) both in the domestic and the international market. “As a manufacturer of innovative filter systems our aim is to make an active contribution to ‘clean production’ for our customers and thereby help towards protecting both health and the environment in diverse areas of industry in Germany and overseas,” stressed Schimmelmann.

Following an engineering degree in process engineering in Frankfurt am Main, Schimmelmann worked as a head of sales for a company involved in ultra-fine filtration in the Rhine-Main area. From 1999 - 2004 Frank Schimmelmann was the Managing Director responsible for setting up a new Herding company in Michigan in the USA. Following the successful establishment of Herding technology in the USA and Canada, Frank Schimmelmann worked as Director of National/International Sales at Herding headquarters in Amberg until his appointment as Managing Director.

Herding GmbH Filtertechnik has 29 years of experience in the manufacture of filter systems based on sintered plate filter technology which is patented worldwide. Today the Herding Group is represented worldwide by 15 cooperation partners and its own companies in the USA, China, France, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland and the Czech Republic. The company employs a workforce of 145 at its headquarters in Amberg and some 100 employees abroad.

The headquarters is home to the company’s research and development, production, design, engineering, sales, marketing and after-sales service activities.

For more information, please visit:


Neustrukturierung der Geschäftsführung:

Frank Schimmelmann (40) wurde mit Wirkung vom 1. Juli 2006 zum neuen Geschäftsführer der Herding GmbH Filtertechnik, Amberg i. d. Oberpfalz, ernannt. Er übernimmt damit nahtlos die Verantwortung für die Bereiche Vertrieb / Marketing / Service vom bisherigen Geschäftsführer Dr.-Ing. Hans Joachim Adlhoch nach dessen 15jähriger Tätigkeit im Unternehmen.

Dipl.- Ing. Frank Schimmelmann verfügt über eine achtjährige Erfahrung in der Herding Unternehmensgruppe und sieht seine

vorrangigen Ziele darin, den Erfolg von Herding weiterhin zu sichern und das Unternehmen im nationalen und internationalen Markt im Bereich der industriellen Filtertechnik (Trockenentstaubung) auszubauen. „Als Hersteller von innovativer Filtertechnik sind wir bestrebt, einen aktiven Beitrag zur `reinen Produktivität‘ unserer Kunden und somit zum Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschutz in diversen nationalen und internationalen Industriebereichen zu leisten“, betont Schimmelmann.

Nach seinem Ingenieursstudium der Verfahrentechnik in Frankfurt am Main arbeitete Schimmelmann als Vertriebsleiter in einem Unternehmen für Feinst-Filtration im Rhein-Main- Gebiet. Von 1999 bis 2004 war Frank Schimmelmann als Managing Director für die Gründung einer neuen Herding- Gesellschaft in Michigan/USA verantwortlich. Nach erfolgreicher Etablierung der Herding-Technologie in USA und Kanada war Frank Schimmelmann im Herding Stammhaus in Amberg als Director National/International Sales bis zu seiner Ernennung zum Geschäftsführer tätig.

Die Firma Herding GmbH Filtertechnik ist seit 29 Jahren mit der weltweit patentierten Sinterlamellenfilter-Technologie im Bereich Filteranlagenbau tätig. Die Herding-Gruppe ist heute weltweit mit 15 Kooperationspartnern, eigenen Gesellschaften in USA, China, Frankreich, Holland, Belgien, Schweiz und Tschechien vertreten. Im Stammhaus Amberg beschäftigt Herding 145 und im Ausland zusätzlich ca. 100 Mitarbeiter. Am Hauptsitz in Amberg befinden sich die Forschung und Entwicklung, die Produktion, die Konstruktion, das Engineering, der Vertrieb, das Marketing und der Service.

Weiter Informationen auf:


schimmelmann_herding (JPG)

Representation For The Company Herding In Turkeu

Erstellt am 7. Oct. 2006 - 11:40

Dear Mr. Frank Schimmelmann

I am inteested to represent your company in Turkey,

I would lke to ask however for your representation conditions.

Folowing a short cv Dr. H a y r i E r g u n

Permanent Address

Erdemir Cad. 62/2

67300 Kdz.-Eregli

Tel: ++90 532 507 95 93

Personal Information

Date and Place of Birth: 15.03.1948, Beyehir

Marital Status: Married

Military Service: Completed


Iron and steel production related research and development work in Germany, Japan and Turkey.


1965-1970 MSc, Mining Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical, Metallugical and Mining Engineering, TU Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany

• Diploma Project. Continuing investigations to the depohosphorisation of the concentrates of the iron ores from the district Moncorvo/Portugal by means of Flotation. Dissertation, Inst f. Processing, TU Clausthal, 1970

197O - 1972 Turkish Coal Mining Enterprises, Project Engineer, Ankara/Turkey

1972 - 1975 Doctorate in Chemical Technology and Fuel Technique , TU Clausthal, Germany


Dec.1975-Jan.1980 Process Engineer, Didier Engineering GmbH, Germany

• Development of Formed Coke Technology DKS Didier-Keihan Rentan & Sumitomo

Metal Ltd.-, Wakayama/Japan

Jan. 1980-Oct. 1982 Eregli Iron & Steel Works, Inc., Kdz.-Eregli

* Managing Director - Research and Development – Raw Materials

Oct. 1982-Sept.1986 Eregli Iron & Steel Works, Inc., Kdz.-Eregli

* Research and Development – Iron & Steel Making

Sept.1986-March 1987 Eregli Iron & Steel Works, Inc., Kdz.-Eregli

• Chief Engineer Coke Oven By Product Plant

March.1987-March 2003 Eregli Iron & Steel Works, Inc., Kdz.-Eregli

• Chief Engineer Coke Oven Coal and Coke Handling Plant

March 2003-Present Independent Consulting Engineer

• Private Instructor


9. 6. 1981 United States Patent ,

Process for Producing Coke.US 4272323

21. 7. 1981 United States Patent ,

Process for the Termal Treatment of Coal. US 4280033

4. 8. 1981 United States Patent ,

Process for Microwave Radiation. US 4282066


• Turkish (Native), German (fluent), English (fluent)

• .French & Japanese (working knowledge)

• Computer Skills: Operating Systems & Others: Windows 2000/XP, Linux, MS Office, Lotus Notes,


• Member of Verein Deutscher Eisenhüttenleute VDEh (1985),

• Member of Turkish Mining Engineers Association TMMOB (1970)

• Member of Foundation for the Development of National Mining


Available upon request