Stockpile - Metallurgical Coke

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 10. Aug. 2006 - 03:21

I need some estimates for Metallurgical Coke Stockpiling. The only known variable is that I need to stockpile 200,000 Tons of Metallurgical Coke. I am looking for space requirements; Height, Width, Length. The space requirements are flexible. Does anyone have some general information to work from? One model I did was:

Size: 80mm

Bulk Density: 0.6 T/mtr3

Height: 10 mtrs above GL

Length: 400 mtrs

Width: 40 mtrs

Top Surface Width: 20 mtrs

Top Surface Length: 380 mtrs

I did a pyramid rectangular base calculation at:

Volume resulted in 346,272 I then multiplied this by 0.6T/mtr3 and derived 207,763 Tons. So I'm estimating about four N.F.L. Football Fields 120 yards long and 160 feet wide, piled 30 feet high would about do. Thanks in advance.

Coke Etc.

Erstellt am 10. Aug. 2006 - 06:49

You have not mentioned whether it is screened or breeze coke and your weight per cubic foot should be 26 pounds per cubic foot.

The weight per cubic meter is 416.5 pounds and the maximum conveying angle for screened coke is 18 degrees and breeze coke is 20 degrees. Good luck trying to maintain angle of repose since it-coke floats in water.

You are dealing with 40 million pounds of coke so you should reexamine your volume estimates.

Coke will weigh 26 pounds per cubic foot and 702 pounds per cubic yard

-easily done in a dome reclaim.

I guess the first thing I should ask is what about the environmental concerns regarding waste sludge and making sure the stock pile floor is impermiable?

Since you have stated space is not an issue:

Have you considered a dome structure with a central reclaim and top fill inbound for your coke?

The nice thing about domes is they have a circular imprint with a small area in relation to volume and you would be able to make them as tall as you wish.

You would not require a rectangular pile for same if you used a dome the coke product would not degrade, fire suppression would be much less complicated as you would be able to use water cannons and soda acid streams consisting of muriatic acid, water and baking soda for fire knockdown.

Your source point of water pollution would be minimal as there would be no runnoff coming off the stock pile.

You really need to think about whats under the pile or what is leaching into the ground of the exposed pile if there is no containment.

As I stated previuosly a number of weeks ago in another post simular to this a twin dome set up using centralised stackers in each dome with a common reclaim tunnel system running under the domes would fit nicely in this situation as well.

(not verified)

Re: Stockpile - Metallurgical Coke

Erstellt am 10. Aug. 2006 - 02:43

Thanks for your reply. The coke is screened and will not be covered. The environmental concerns are being addressed by another team. So for now I'm only working on volume.