Curve Fitting Software

ssm672 - Australia
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 8. Aug. 2006 - 10:36


i am presently working on a research project on certain specific areas of bulk material handling. i am facing a situation where i have got a number of data points through which i have to fit a curve of 'best fit'. the curve could be polynomial/exponential/power function etc which would reveal the correlation between multiple variables. for this, i am planning to explore into the software packages available in the market for curve fitting & possibly to buy one. Can anyone suggest me what are the curve fitting softwares commercially available...



Re: Curve Fitting Software

Erstellt am 8. Aug. 2006 - 10:02

You don’t have to look far for curve fitting software "Microsoft Excel" has all of the above mentioned functions built in it and it also gives the equations with R2 values. Excel has most of the engineering functions build in it that are required for your research.

I am very surprised that you are unaware of it and secondly you haven’t been directed by your supervisor / research fellow in this direction.

ssm672 - Australia
(not verified)

Curve Fitting Software

Erstellt am 9. Aug. 2006 - 09:25

Dear Mantoo,

Thank you very much for your suggestions.

We are well aware of the capabilities of EXCEL. However, since there are plenty of commercially softwares available in the market, hence we want to explore them as well. It is obvious that there could be something different/other features etc in the relevant commercially available softwares, & that’s why these softwares do exist in the competition/market.

In anyway, we value your comments.

Thank you.


Re: Curve Fitting Software

Erstellt am 9. Aug. 2006 - 10:02

Well if you want something different then I would recommend software package called “Origin” you can check the details at it is very similar to Excel but more engineering orientated and is packed with engineering functions. Then there are the MathCAD and Math Lab packages which are difficult to learn, but when you master them they are also very good.

Hope you find the info useful.



Curve Fitting

Erstellt am 9. Aug. 2006 - 10:16

Try your friendly CAD draughtman. Splines and curves are embedded in nearly all CAD packages. You can even spline in 3D if you fancy that

Re: Curve Fitting Software

Erstellt am 9. Aug. 2006 - 01:34

Knowing from personal experience the difficulty of getting consistant and reliable data in the field of materials handling, going to the nth degree with curve fitting leaves me cold. Still, if it keeps them off the streets .......

ssm672 - Australia
(not verified)

Re: Curve Fitting Software

Erstellt am 10. Aug. 2006 - 08:26

thanks all. that will do

(not verified)


Erstellt am 14. Aug. 2006 - 01:31

A professional statistical software is MINITAB. You can download the trial version from the internet.

Hope this will help you.

Dr. Rossen Halatchev

University of Queensland

(not verified)

Re: Curve Fitting Software

Erstellt am 8. Feb. 2007 - 01:45

What about outsourcin the tasks of that Senior Software Engineer in

Java/J2EE? You will be dealing not with the person but with the company

that is more reliable, dont you think so? Consider Belhard software

development from Belarus. 13 years of

experience are worth of something, I think...