Moist Gypsum Dust Collector

Posted in: , on 17. Jul. 2006 - 23:24

Hi all,

I'm currently working as a co-op student in a gypsum mine/drywall producing plant. (CGC). I have been asked to look for a dust collecting system that will be able to collect dust at the crusher, in the mines. I have run into a problem that seems quite unique and I would like to know if anyone has any suggestions.

First off, a few details...

No waterlines in mine

Hight restriction of 50 inches

solution should be semi-mobile (able to move every few months)

Upkeep should be at least semi-reasonable

I have looked into a few different options - baghouses, scrubbers, cyclones - but all have major drawbacks as follows:

Cyclone - no hight = no efficiency = no-go


- Moisture in mines will clog bags

- high maintenance required

- filter bags are quite costly

- most baghouses are not portable, and quite large as well.


- no waterline

- scrubber prescribed is very large (5'x5'x6')

- aux water tanks are a pain in the butt to install, and work with

So far, the scrubber looks like my best bet - are there any other suggestions, or have I made an error in the above info?

I also apologize if this is a little off-beat for the cement/lime/gypsum forum - I figured it's still gyp, and there are some very intellegent people reading through these, so I'd just ask - no harm done, right?

Thank you for your help here,

Steve C

Re: Moist Gypsum Dust Collector

Erstellt am 18. Jul. 2006 - 12:00

Certainly no harm done. Simple. A spray bar. Product is already moist, you say. Get the finest nozzles that will pass filtered mine water. No waterlines in mine is no excuse compared to the cost of scrubbers, with a water requirement anyway. How are the drills cooled etc?

Why collect the dust?

John Gateley

Moist Gypsum Dust Collector

Erstellt am 18. Jul. 2006 - 01:37

Your best solution is the Joy Microdyne scrubber, specially designed for mining underground. An in-line unit, low headroom requirement, very commonly used. Google "Joy Environmental Technologies".

Michael Reid.


Erstellt am 19. Jul. 2006 - 07:35

I'm sorry - the title is a bit deceiving - I meant that air is moist in the mine, some gyp is moist, but some is bone dry. The dry stuff is the worst...

The problem with a spraybar are as follows:

1. waterlines are pricey to install - some sections are no where near sumps, or water, mine sump water supply is unreliable, piping in water from public water supply too costly (for this project).

2. Gypsum is water soluble - not only that, but when it gets really wet, it becomes similar to cement - starts out mucky, then gets hard & dry.

3. Main dust pointsource is right at crusher - it probably wouldn't be really good for the crusher to have water constantly spraying on it. Ultra-fine nozzles might work, but water would have to be filtered, and perhaps softened (to prevent rapid mineral build-up in nozzles).

I initially thought some sort of fog system would be perfect, but was shot down when I tried to suggest it to my supervisor with the above. I'm still curious as to exactly what it would cost to pipe sump water over to the sections - for the purpose of using in the scrubbers somehow.... but either way - it's still probably a no-go.

As for why collect - suppression methods just didn't seam to work. Right now, a dilution method is in effect (blowing dust away from section, into exhaust ventilation), but it just isn't very effective & simply moves the dust (and is done hap-hazzardly at that) - into the tram line .... not good.

I don't know too much about the foam dust suppression systems, but am under the impression that they work well when water usage is a concern. What is involved there?

As for the joy environmental scrubber, I will look into that as well - although there is no website I've found on them - only contact (phone & address) info. So that will have to be more personal.

Thank you for your suggestions, I really do appreciate them. Any other good ideas out there? - 'cause personally, I'm running out.

Thanks again -


Moist Gypsum

Erstellt am 17. Jan. 2007 - 05:00

Hi people,

I have a problem during calcination of gypsum. The gypsum powder comes out along with steam from the calcinator during the process. I tried collecting the powder using filter cloths but didnt succeed because the steam which came along with the powder made it into a paste. Kindly suggest me some good,cost effective idea to separate the steam and gypsum powder and collect the powder separately so that i can use it again.